The Jewish Magazine for Jewish authors, Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.  A new issue of the Jewish Magazine is published on the Internet each month!  

The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
            The Jewish Magazine has been serving the public on the Internet since 1997.      
The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.

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The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
There are always hot and very popular articles being viewed at the Jewish Magazine. Browse here to see the most popular and read in our magazine...



Jews have always been the People of the Book. Writing is a Jewish Pastime. Here you will find both fiction and non-fiction, poems and much more...


Jews have a rich history of living in many communities around the globe. We started as a people in ancient Egypt, came to settle the Land of Israel, lived in Babylonia, and from there to many, many places around the globe.


The daily life of the Jew is bound up in various traditions and interesting customs that have been either decreed or inherited and kept alive throughout many generations.


Here is the place to look for what ever isn't in the other catagories: Book Reviews, Jewish Horoscopes, What Not, and you name it.


Here you will find the Gateway to all of our over 2,500 articles in an easy to search manner.


The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
Nothing is as Jewish as Humor. Humor penetrates to the truth and sharpens the mind at the same time it brings a smile to a person's soul.


Nothing distinquishes a Jew as much as his love of the holidays.

Each one is a delight in its own particular manner. Each holiday celebrates a event in the making of the Jewish People.


Jews live in societies whether it be in a Jewish society or in the societies that surround them. From this there are many opinions and views on how best to live and solve the problems that face us in modern society.


Jews are considered amongst the most intellegent thinkers today.

Their influence can be felt in all venues of thought from secular to religious, from mystical to practical, from political to personal. See where thoughts can lead you...


Jewish Recipes
Nothing turns on a meal like a home made Jewish Dish


Who are we and how did we evolve? How to get in touch and how to submit an article...


The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.






Homeschool students can attend Middle School online at Excel


The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
  Disclaimer: All articles in the Jewish Magazine are provided by and are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Jewish Magazine accepts no legal responsibility for the material presented.

Submissions and Inquiries: We no longer accept submissions from our readers. If you have an inquiry on any Jewish topic, we are interested in hearing and we will resond to your inquiry. For further details, please: Click Here.

About Us: The Jewish Magazine has been providing a new Jewish interest magazine to its readers since 1997. Now it is evolving into a repository for all of its 2,500 plus articles so that the public at large can access it at no cost. We are proud to present articles from many and various viewpoints.

We present in an appealing manner the various ideas to give you room to consider and think, for as Jews, analitical thinking is our most precious possesion. Do not think that our magazine is only for Jews, know that Judaism has something to give to every person, not just Jews.

The richness of the Jewish Magazine is in the cumulative thousands of articles on the various aspects of Jewish life. Be it Jewish Humor, Jewish History, Holocaust or Jewish Holidays, the Jewish Magazine has more. Jewish Stories and Poems, Jewish biographies, you name it, we have it. Browse our Archives; you will find a wealth of information.