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the Jewish Magazine
Atonement and the Day of Atonement
By Avi Lazerson
Yom Kippur is the day of divine forgiveness; the day that G-d accepts our prayers that our sins be erased.
Moshe Feiglin, A Different Type of Politician
By JMag Staff
Can someone who is honest, idealistic and soft spoken make it in Israeli politics?
The Pope and the Poop
By Arthur B. Reich
Reacting Violently to Being Called Violent Negates Being Violent...
Enhancing Sprituality with the Succah
By Nina Amir
How the Blessings and Rituals for a Succah Provided Meaning and Spirituality
Photo Pictorial: Old Windows of Old Jerusalem
By Chico
Now don't think me as strange, because it is really the tops of the windows that fancinate me, but I will explain why.
Simchat Torah - What is in a Name?
by Nachum Mohl
Why does only the festival called "Simchat Torah" have the word "simcha" added to its name?
How to Achieve Happiness on Simchat Torah (even if you are depressed),
By Mendel Weinberger
With the increasing load of bad news for the Jews around lately, it may be a severe challenge to be happy...
Why Jewish Speech and Hate Censorship Do Not Mix
by Stefan Braun
Canada is widely regarded as a model multicultural society; tolerant, peaceful, fair. To be sure, we have our share of bigots, racists and malcontents
Exploring Jewish Identities and Heritages
By Rachelle Grossman
I was part of an inter-denominational group of Jewish teenagers who traveled to Hungary as part of a program called the Szarvas Fellowships
Coming to America
By Sally Rogow
Joseph Weinberger, my grandfather, was only ten years old when he came to America. He traveled all by himself.
Humor Page
edited by Chanoch Bleier
Holiday, Holydays, Humour Days, Need 'em all |
Contemplations for Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur and Life
by Dovid Gross
Taming the Wild Mind: More Important Than "Knowing", is "Doing"
What Do the Stars Tell Us About the New Jewish Year?
By Yaakov Kronenberg
In terms of war and peace, and regarding America, I see...
Single Girls Guide to Finding a Great Guy
By Rachel B.
In the old times, and I mean old times, clothing was worn for protection against the elements.
Admiral Rodney and the Jews of St. Eustatius
By Louis Arthur Norton
Jews trickled into Colonial America from 1654 through the American Revolutionary War in small numbers,
Did We Win or Lose the War?
By Chaim Israeli
But the importance of this war is not the victory or defeat, real or imaginary.
Rabbi Akiva and the Ten Martyrs
By Jay Levinson
Annals of a Traveler: Yom Kippur 3881
The Succoth and Guests
By Larry Fine
The Talmud tells us interesting stories about how to properly conduct arguments and what are proper behaviors.
Psalm 98
By James Vasquez
For Marvelous Things that He Has Done
From "holocaust" to "Holocaust" - what is in a word?
By Sean Warsch
If one looked in the dictionary, he/she would see that the definition of the word holocaust reads along the line of "complete destruction, usually by fire."
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