Moses's Prayer


Moses's Prayer


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Psalm 90 - "A Dwelling Place Secure"

By James Vasquez

Through all our generations, Lord,
A dwelling place secure,
We've ever found at your right hand,
On hilltop, plain or moor,

Before the world first saw its light,
Or mountains knew their birth,
From age to endless ages you,
Are God o'er all the earth.

"Return to dust, O sons of men,"
Your voice addresses all,
And soon we find our place again,
'Neath death's inglorious pall.

A thousand years are but a day,
They pass as soon with you,
Or like the watchman's vigil that,
Finds end with morning dew.

And men, like grass of early morn,
Though fresh by night is waste,
Are swept away in death's cold sleep,
And to their judgments haste.

Your presence, Lord, in piercing light,
Illumines evil well,
And terrified, we are consumed,
By what our sins foretell.

We count our years to seventy,
'Tis all that we shall own,
Or if by strength till eighty yet,
We end them with a moan.

And all the best of them are filled,
With sorrow, trouble and,
When past we quickly take our flight,
To some most distant land.

For who, O Lord, your might can tell,
And who your anger know?
Your wrath is well rehearsed 'mongst those,
Who fear and reverence show.

Then teach us all our days aright,
To number, end to end,
That wisdom in our hearts might dwell,
And every deed attend.

By morn may your compassion shine,
Let darkness thus be rent,
Then satisfy us with your love,
And from your wrath relent.

Our song shall ever be of you,
And gladness all our days,
Shall more than pay the years of grief,
Our mournful heart betrays.

And may your glory, mighty Lord,
In all its vast renown,
Be shown your servants and their seed,
And all their efforts crown.

Yes, may the favor of our God,
Upon us fully rest,
Confirming what our hands may do,
Thus shall our works be blessed.


from the March 2004 Edition of the Jewish Magazine




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