The Jewish Magazine is your monthly Jewish
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and Israel topics each month for the past four years!! Gevaldt!!
the Jewish Magazine
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Ethics of the Fathers
by Nachum Mohl
What are the Customs and Traditions of Pirchei Avot? |
American Jewish History Part 2
by Jerry Klinger
The Canary in the Coal Mine?
American Jewry 1654-1770
Einstein, Germany, and the "Palestinians"
by Paul Eidelberg
Is Their a Justification for Collective Punishment?
Elisha, the Prophet
By James Vasquez
A Widow's Plea |
Coming Down to Earth
by Gutman Locks
The Wacky Adventure of a Seeker of Truth
Honor and Respect
by Larry Fine
An Understanding of What is Jewish Honor |
The Simple Touch of Fate
by Arlene Uslander
Jacob! Jacob! Reborn September 11, 2001 |
If I Forget Thee, Oh, Jerusalem
By Mark Jacoby
Biecz Poland Before the Holocaust |
Humor, We All Need It!
edited by Chanoch Bleier
Don't Pass-Over this Page! |
David Irving: Holocaust Denier Update
By Richard Hughey
Only in the USA can a Holocaust Denier Survive |
The Mystery of Lag B'Omer and the Stiff Necked People
By Larry Domnitch
Bar Kochba, Rome and Rabbi Akiva |
The Only Survivor
by George Liebermann
A Story of a Holocaust Survivor |
The Chicken, the Cow and the Carp
by Jason Endfield
In Search of Meaning, Is It Worth It? |