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the Jewish Magazine
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American Jewish History Part 3
by Jerry Klinger
How the Jews Saved the American Revolution 1654 - 1770
Terrorism and Innocence
by B. Wiesser
When Does The Concept of Communal Responsibility Come Into Reality? |
The Sanctity of the Kohain
by Avi Lazerson
The Concept of the Jewish Priest Today in Our Lifes
Another Day Another Bus Ride
By Joe Yudin
Life's Experiences in Israel Today |
Maybe G-d Wants It Differently?
by Larry Fine
Accepting G-d's Decrees - A Parable for Us |
The Seat in the Window
by Arlene Uslander
Life's Experiences Enriching Our Lifes |
Something from Nothing, Nothing from Something
by Nachum Mohl
Creating Ex Nihilo, Creation Nihilo Nihilo |
Personal Advancement versus Group Benefits
By Cindy Bauer
Jewish Groups, The Importance of Joining and Departing |
Humor, Moves Your Face Muscles!
edited by Chanoch Bleier
If Your Happy, Read On, If Your Not Happy, Read On! |
The Talit, T'philin, and the Mitzvot
By Uri Ben Ami
Sanctitiy, Holiness and Blessings |
Women at War
by Judy Lash Balint
Women on Israel's At the Flash Point |