About the Jewish Magazine:
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Quick Chanukah Guide to Lighting the Menorah
By Jmag Staff
There is just so much we can remember about lighting the Chanukah lights. Herein is a simple guide that brings you up to date on where, when, and how of lighting Chanukah candles. Check it out
All About Chanuka
By Avi Lazerson
The Why and the History: Two Thousand Years Ago the Greeks issued oppressive and evil decrees against the Jews. What did they forbid and why? And what did we do? Still Two Thousand years is a long time ago, why celebrate today? What is there for me?
Chanukah and Christmas
By N. Shuldig
Is Chanukah the Jewish Version of Christmas or perhaps it is the other way around, Christmas is the non-Jews' version of Chanukah, or perhaps there really is no connection. What do you think?
Chanukah and International Pressure
By Larry Domnitch
How can a tiny state like Israel deal with mounting International Pressures? What is there is Chanukah to teach us what to do?
Chanukah, and the Bitter Arguement between the Academies of Hillel and Shamai
By S. M. Samuels
We Light our Chanukah Candles in a specific manner. But what do you know of the bitter arguement between the Academies of Hillel and Shamai regarding the manner in which the candles are to be lit. Why did they argue? What meaning, if any, is there in their arguement?
The Miracle in the Oil
By Avi Lazerson
The central idea of Chanukah is expressed through the oil. What is it? Why was oil chosen to have such a miracle? Was not victory in a bitter war enough of a miracle?
Bringing out the Chanuka Ecstasy
By Yechezkel Gold
Chanuka's warm, glad glow transforms winter's dark night and chill into mellow contentment. Chanuka's lights affect us that way spontaneously. How can this bring us to ecstasy?
Mystical Insights in the Placement of the Menorah
By Avi Lazerson
Lighting Candles Inside or Outside? Mystically speaking, there is a difference. What is it?
What is Chanukah?
By Menachem Mendelsohn
The sages of the Talmud asked the question: "What is Chanukah?" They wanted to know what was the essence of Chanukah. Do you know what was their answer?
Chanukah - When is it Neccessary to Fight?
By Menachem Mendelsohn
Chanukah tells us about a small clan from one of the priestly tribes who upon being pushed too far by the Greek and Hellenist authorities rebelled. How could they have put the rest of the Jews in danger? Weren't they being foolish for a few zealots to start up with the major world power? Just when is it Neccessary to Fight?
The New Israeli Channukah Postage Stamp
By Jay Levinson
The Chanukah stamp issued by Israel on 5 November 2012 is part of a joint issue with India commemorating twenty years of ambassadorial exchanges between the two countries.
The Dreidel
The Ancient Art of Driedel Playing
By Uzi Lampoon
Do you really know how to play Dreidel? Here is a definitive and light guide to the playing of the game of Dreidel, with all the various aspects rolled into one article. Check it out and learn how to play properly once in your life!
Click HERE for even more on Chanukah...
Humor for Chanukah
Is it Chanukah Jokes or Hanukah Humor?
mostly from our readers
We all know that humor is what opens your mind. Now if I can just figure out how to open your pocket book, I might profit!
Did you hear of the Pseudo Chanukah Fairy?
By Ted Roberts
"I’m the Jewish fairy godmother," said the golden girl as she ate a thick corned beef sandwich and sipped a Diet Pepsi.
How do You spell it? Chanukkah, Hanuka, Chanuka...?
By Allen S. Maller
There is only one correct spelling of this holiday. Do you know it?
A Few Handy Recipes
Potato Pancakes for Channuka
By George Erdosh
Latkes are traditionally eaten on Chanukah. Latkes are Potato Pancakes. Why do we eat them? Probably to remember the pain of the Greek rule that we endured, unless the latkes are made correct, then it is really something special.
Potato Pancake (Latke) Recipe
By Annette Keen
Can American Jewish Parents Defuse the Christmas Seasonal Frenzy with Chanukah Latkes? Well it depends on which recipe you use! See this one and try it!
Special Chanukah Muffin Recipe
By Bossie Krapfman
If everyone agrees that all Jewish holidays are gastro-intestinal disasters. Well Chanukah is no exception. I just can't come up with a potato latke recipe that tastes like my mother-in-law's latkes. Mine are always some kind of greasy mess that always tastes like cooked potatoes, so try this winner instead and eat something good.
Poems and Stories for Chanukah
A Hanukkah Prayer
By Tad Campbell
A Special Poem for Chanukah that relates how the flicker of the lights echo the flame of our souls.
A Tale about The Menorah
By Renee Sussman
His daughter's family was barely a family. Ritual observance was a comforting act of cohesiveness, and they had lost their glue long ago.
The Perils of Menorah Shopping in Texas
By Robyn Honig
There was no menorah in sight, so I asked the clerk where I could find one. "A what?" he asked. "You know, it holds the Hanukkah candles. Look," I said, pointing to the menorah sticker. "Have you tried the Christian bookstore?"
Could Santa Bring a Hanukka Present?
By Judy Brown
I told her that God had lied. Hanukah candles don't burn for 8 days. "No, God never lied. Only I did."
The Silver Menorah and the Chanukah Miracle
By Martin A. David
In 1941, German troops, cheered on by their nazi leaders, ravaged a path across Europe. Avram, eldest son of Moshe, the chief rabbi of the shtetl that sprawled over one half of the town of Narodny, dug a deep hole at the base of an old tree and buried the menorah wrapped in a linen sheet.
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