The Jewish Magazine is a free monthly review of all things Jewish. This month we present a large assortment of varied articles, both new and also from our archives many dealing with different aspects of the Passover holiday.
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Great Passover Features:
Our First Passover
By Natalia Nikova
An Immigrant from the Soviet Union Remembers Celebrating Her First Passover
May a Jew live in Egypt?
By Meir Loewenberg
Is it Halachicly Permissable for a Jew Today to Live in Egypt?
Antagonist's Civil War Passover
By Louis Arthur Norton
What was Passover like during the Civl War?
Make a Matza Sandwich Like Hillel
By Meir G Rabi
Soft matzah, The True Tradition of Matzah - Just as G-d Wanted
Humor, Jokes and Assorted Chuckles
Jokes sent in by our Readers
OK, so I should be cleaning for Passover, but I need a break...
How Many Cups Of Wine Do You Drink At The Seder?
By Meir Loewenberg
Why is the Number Four so Popular at the Seder? Why not Three?
The History of Charoset for Passover with International Recipes
By Joan Lipinsky Cochran
Everyone’s Favorite Seder item is Charoset. a Mixture of Sweet Fruits and Nuts
Passover: The Holiday of Renewal and Hope
By Amy Lederman
Passover Inspiration from Israel
Ari's Haggadah: A Parable of Enough
By Rebekah Bliss
A Wonderful Passover Story of the Haggadah and the Exodus from Egypt
Passover Poem about the Exodus from Egypt
By Judy Gibbs
A Tale Of Bricks and Blights
The Enchanted Matzoh
By Arthur R. Pell
Passover Story about Matza
Passover Poems, Songs, Stories and Humor:
Passover - As Reported in the Impartial Israeli Press
Bitter Herb
How NOT to clean for Passover Humor
Passover Stringency Humor
The Festive Meal A Story About divorce, food, family, death, time, Judaism
The Seder According to Shakespeare
Gabriel, Age Two, Opens the Door for Elijah A Passover Poem
Adir Hu: Its Meaning and Melody and Download a free MP3
The night of Pesach - a Passover Poem
Red a Sign - A Poem For Passover
Poor Aunt Mabel at the Passover Seder table
By Isaac W. Feinberg
A Limerick for Passover
Winds of Freedom
By Mindy Aber Barad
Two Poems for Passover
Passover Recipies:
Guide to Make a Very Easy Passover Meal
By Aviva Goldstein
Food Plan for an Easy Passover Seder
Matza Ball Recipe
Another Matza Ball Recipe
Passover Horseradish Recipe
Passover Matzah Ball Recipes
Matzo Brie: Theory and Recipe with a bit of Humor
Passover Through History:
Passover with the Irgun
Jerusalem Passover 1948
Passover and the Blood Libel
Passover Seder Under Enemy Fire in Vietnam
See What Else is Available for Passover in our Archives:
We have so Much More for Passover to see and enjoy!
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