Rosh HaShanah and the Shofar
By Mendel Weiss
The Jewish New Years holiday, which is also known as
the Day of Judgment, revolves around the blowing of the sacred
"Shofar" horn. It is interesting to note that the
Torah does not explicitly refer to this day as the "New Year",
rather it is called "day of blasting" (Hebrew: "Yom
Truah") which is a reference to the Shofar horn which
is blown on this day. However the Torah does not reveal why we need
to blow the Shofar, or what is has to do with the New Years
The Sages teach that the commandment to blow the
Shofar is actually the secret which God revealed to His
children, the Jewish people, to help them receive a positive Judgment
on this day. The Shofar is an instrument which is used to
announce the inauguration of a King much like the modern trumpet which is blown at coronations of kings. By telling us to blow the Shofar
on this day, the Torah is essentially teaching that the best way to
receive a positive judgment on this day is by making God our king.
On the surface, the very idea that God wants to be a
king over his creation is difficult to comprehend. Certainly the
Almighty God who is the very creator of the world can do whatever He
wants, and if so, He is already much more than a mere king. If so,
why would God want to be the king over His own creations.
The Gaon of Vilna, one of the greatest sages in the
past 250 years, explained that the concept of a king expresses a very
specific relationship which is not necessarily found even by an all
powerful creator. A king is specifically a ruler who is there for the
benefit of the people and wants to use his power to bring them to
their greatest possible potential. If there is a "king" who
is primarily interested in his own glory and power then in the eyes
of the Torah he is not really a king at all, and it would be more
precise to refer to him as a dictator or a ruler.
With this in mind, one can begin to understand that
the real reason which God wants to be our king is not at all for Him;
rather, He wants to give us the opportunity to enter into a
relationship with Him that will lead us to greatest possible good.
Thus, God is not only our creator, but He has given us the
opportunity to accept Him as our king.
Imagine if you lived next door to the most
successful stock broker in the world. After becoming very good
friends, you ask if maybe he could give you some advice where to
invest your money. Certainly if he gave you a piece of advice which
he assured would be very sound, you would thank him tremendously for
telling you how to get the biggest returns on your money. God is the
very creator of the world, surely He knows the inside secrets of how
man can get the most out of his life. When God has offered to be our
king He is essentially saying, let me use my power and understanding
to lead you on the path which will bring you to greatest possible
At the end of the Torah, God praises Moses in a very
unexpected way. Moses, who brought the Torah to the Jewish nation was
certainly a very wise and holy man. Yet, God does not praise him as
"Moses, the great sage" or "Moses, the greatest
prophet that ever lived", or "Moses, the Righteous",
rather it says "Moses, My servant". Why does
this praise supersede all other praises that have described Moses?
The Talmud teaches that "the servant of the
king is like the king". That is to say, that the "servant
of the king" is not a "slave" who has no significance.
Rather, he is like an ambassador of the king who represents the king
wherever he goes. According to Jewish law, if a servant of the king
walks into a room and one does not honor him in a way which is
fitting for royalty, the person could be killed for rebelling against
the king himself. It is thus understood that God is telling us that
Moses achieved the most exalted state that any creation could ever
achieve. He was the perfect example of a servant of God.
When God took the Jewish nation out of Egypt, He
proclaimed that they would be a nation of priests and a light to the
nations. With these words, God had stated that He would raise them up
to the most exalted state of being His personal ambassadors to the
The Sages taught that the New Year's Day, Rosh
HaShanah, is the day that the first man was created, and that was
the day that God stood as the king over his creation for the first
time. With this in mind, it is understood that the Torah has
instructed us to blow the sacred shofar horn specifically on this day
because it is the day which has been set aside for the inauguration
of God from the beginning of the creation. This is the way which the
Torah has instructed us to embrace the opportunity to welcome God as
our king on this unique day, and this is the secret which God has
revealed to His children to insure them that they we will receive a
positive Judgment for the new year.
from the August/September 2012 Edition of the
Jewish Magazine
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