Browse our Site:
A Blessing, What for?
What Purpose Does a Blessing Serve?
Do We Make Food Better if We Bless it?
Poem about the Passing of a Father
Death, uninvited, entered the room
Roseburg, Oregon and the Star of David
Finding Jewishness in Far Corners of the United States
What is More Jewish? The Star of David or the Menorah?
Living With Lottie
A Grandson's Fond Memory of His Grandmother
Recollection of a Jewish Family
Shiva: Life and Death Lesson
Sitting Shiva Offers a Guide by Which to Live
We Needed To Sit Shiva To Help Us Live
My Father's Tallis
A Present from the Holocaust
I Will Seek Refuge in the Shelter of Your Tent (Psalm 61:4)
Clarion, Utah:
A Jewish Home in the New Zion of the West
Early Jewish Settlement in America
Humor for the Jewish New Year
It is Difficult for a Jew Not to Smile
Even on the Day of Judgement
A Friend Was Shot, It Saved My Life
Real Life Adventure on the Israeli Border near Gaza, 1949
A True Story From the Time of Israel's Beginnings
Prisoner In Tel Aviv, C-1950
Forced in to Jail in Tel Aviv
An Experience to Share
Jewish Horoscope Predictions for Jewish New Year
Predictions based on Kabbalistic Astrological Charts
Big Changes are Coming! Get Ready!
Jewish Months
How Many New Years do Jews Have?
Why Do Holydays Change Dates from Year to Year?
Jewish Access to the Temple Mount
What is History of the status quo of the Temple Mount?
What is fact and what is fiction
Righteous Among the Nations
Reinhold Chrystman
A Brave Man, Almost Unknown
The Lynching of Leo Frank
August 17, 2015 is the 100th anniversary the lynching of Leo Frank.
An Unjustice gone Unpunished
The Language that Survived
How an Ancient Language was Rejuvinated
The Daymare
Shoah Childhood: Memory And Remembrance
What it is Like when the Holocaust Permeats Your House
Experiencing the Infinite on a Kibbutz
A Lasting Memory Etched in Gold
Moses Elias Levy
What Contribution to America did this Jew
born 1782 in Mogador, Morocco Give?
Altalena's Journey to the Promised Land
A Holocaust Survivor Personal Accounting
My Mother's Funeral
(and Mrs. Gefilte Fish)
Jewish Folk Art
In a Polish Cemetary
Holocaust Memoir
Recalling Slave Labor in a Concentration Camp
Democracy or Judaism
Today's Jewish Problem in Israel
Another Diary from the Holocaust
Comparing Anne Frank with Etty (Esther) Hillesum
Why is Etty Hillesum obscure while Anne Frank is well known?
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
