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Two Poems
By D.K. Milgrim-Heath © 2008
My Jewish Mother
I must say these words being a daughter so that’s allowed-
My Mother was Jewish that in all ways being Jewish she was proud.
Sophie Sally (Shatz) Katz was the first generation American in her family born-
Being Jewish from Polish parents that left Rovno that pogroms have torn.
I did grow up hearing of my proud ancestry all my entire life-
Prouder I was if it I’m as my children’s mother and my husband’s wife.
I’ve never been to my biblical ancestral country The Holy Land-
Where world peace stands so important there so holy and grand.
So many historical books about Jewish history I did inherit-
From my beloved mother’s death - I understood Israel ’s existence more in merit.
My Mother always lit the Shabbat candles on each Friday night-
Instilling in me a glorious wonder of my heritage as that’s my birthright.
Proudly she saw her first oldest grandchild become Bas-Mitzvah that is Emile-
Being deceased she never saw her only grandson Harris become Bar-Mitzvah you see.
One day I saw Shabbat candle holders that seemed to be calling out my name-
That’s now lit by me now each Friday night seeing a beauteous twin lit flame.
Before my beloved Mother died she asked me honoring always to light-
Shabbat candles meaning so much for us all on each weekly Friday night.
My mother was a true blessing as a Jewish lady that she emphasized to be-
Forever instilling my proud heritage for me and my three children forever till eternity.
Life Stitched With Prayer
Each day I acknowledge myself some important time for prayer-
To reinforce daily serenity by being in God’s care.
I observe nature in motion as beautiful as can be-
Looking at marvelous different things daily -surrounding us have we.
Each new spring flower, fruit or new vegetable really catch my gaze-
God gifts us with nature by our thank yous we give of with human praise.
Each day brings us something different as we don’t know what it is to always be-
But being in prayer helps me and others continually.
Never will I leave God as my daily life must be stitched in prayer-
He’s devoted to us forever and I’m his daughter a child in His care.
from the Februrary 2009 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
