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Two Poems
By Michael Druck
Return, Return: Prayers at the soldiers' grave, Mt. Herzl © 2009
Return, return! At night our light is burning.
Return, return! We watch and dream of a returning.
Who will bear witness?
The absent can return.
We the honored dead, with lengthening sadness,
spent the golden oil of gladness,
to feed the signal of return.
The day comes and east wind sings.
We move ever so slightly, and yearn.
When hope whispers its wings,
and the fire within us burns,
of a watchful return.
Like it or not, we pine
for the land of yours and of mine.
Our light forever will shine.
The Torah says what is thine.
Return, return.
We see the beacon of light
shining in day and in night.
And in it we pray and discern
for a path, of a holy return.
We pray at the flame in the air.
That sign of our hope and despair.
Hopefully reaching the eyes of the living;
understanding of a plight and misgiving.
What did we die for?
Return hapless people.
What of the legacy?
Warm yourself in the fire that burns;
that lingers and flickers for return.
Only G-d loves us.
And through the cedars and the cypress and the pine,
the wind moves and reminds,
that at Mt. Herzl, G-d and the dead, defines us.
* * * * *
Where the Light is © 2009
G-d, above all things delights
when He finds our people in His light
as they warm themselves in Torah thought
that they have known, and have been taught.
Words that delight the soul
makes us holy and consoled
in meanings that endure
forever then, and evermore.
G-d Who made the earth
made us His heirs
in His will and sacred air.
G-d enriches our very being
and His light forever beams
deep within us.
The heavens and the glory of G-d declare:
His people survive where they belong and everywhere
because we are His ultimate creation.
from the Februrary 2009 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
