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A Beautiful Temple to One God
By Eli Berger
Once a duet of millennia ago,
A Heavenly Voice came
And told the Philosopher King
To build atop a humble Mount
Where an angel held Abraham from Isaac,
And Jacob saw a ladder of angels,
And the clay of the world spread,
The beauty of the world
Around the Godly Presence.
It had magnificent structures,
But one stood above Jerusalem.
In its holiness even God’s Men of Life
Would have souls torn asunder.
For in The Presence
The sins of Israel would unite in fire.
The highest of the Men of Life
Donned an apron of
Gold, scarlet, azure, and purple.
A breastplate of
Precious stones for the tribes of Israel,
Behind it a name of God,
To speak in golden light to Heaven,
A robe lined with silver
Bells and pomegranates for his barefoot step,
A golden crown
For the Holiness of Who it named.
And all would come and sacrifice
For everything in all their lives.
And the sun would rise and beam
Through to the Presence of God.
And all the Messengers of Life
Would light the golden candle arms,
And eat the perfect bread of God,
And bring the angels to the Temple,
To send praise and gratitude and wailing
To God.
Fall evil Babylon!
Fall evil Rome!
And live shining Israel!
To Life and to God!
from the July 2010 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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