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Two Poems
By Michael Druck © 2010
To Love G-d
We shall remind ourselves
when Shabbat lights go on,
when a distant sound is heard,
that we’ve been called upon
to love G-d.
We shall be reminded
when the day of rest has come,
that all work has ceased its cause,
for a greater mitzvah is to be done;
for the love of G-d.
It doesn’t take a Shabbat
for us to honor Him,
or remember who we are,
or what we were meant to be.
But it does take a Shabbat
to stop and concentrate,
on that greater mitzvah
that ever consecrates,
His words of love in Torah.
I remember Shabbat days
walking down a hill
with my hand in my father’s hand,
and words he did instill.
Tradition is a memory
and the memory means a lot.
What better way to celebrate a day
then to honor a Shabbat,
and love G-d.
The Jew Rises
The Jew rises
and will not fall.
He rises with Torah
with one and all
of his people.
And the spirit of G-d
is well within him.
The Jew reprises
his ancient past.
He will not falter
and is bound to last.
To his tradition,
as it was written,
in Torah’s books,
heard and listened.
And the spirit of G-d
is well within him.
The Jew rises
and will not fall.
He is bound to G-d’s land
and wall.
Centuries will know
our name.
We’ve nothing
to be ashamed.
The land was ours
as we were the land’s.
It was the will of G-d
in His plan.
The Jew rises
to reclaim the land;
settling an ancient land.
Before there are nations,
and proclamations,
charters written,
or allocations,
the Jew will rise
and the Messiah will come.
Hate will subside,
and love will come.
And the spirit of G-d
will be swelled within us.
The Jew decides
where his teffilin’s placed.
Traditions define
the time and the place.
Tallis the curtain,
Torah the fence.
G-d is the Master,
His words, the defense.
And the spirit of G-d,
Plain and unashamed,
swells within us.
The Jew rises,
G-d decides.
Torah is not just a symbol
but His words
and our pride;
deep and entrenched
well within us.
The Jew rising,
reprising, deciding,
delighting in His words;
emphasizing the spirit
residing within us.
from the January 2011 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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