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Raytheon And The Rabbi
By Ted Roberts
Can you believe it? Here in Huntsville, Alabama - the buckle of the
Bible Belt - one of our fanciest, blue ribbon eateries, 801 Franklin,
has conducted a Kosher banquet. Strictly Kosher. Moshgiach
(inspector/monitor) and all. Chabad Rabbi Laibel Berkowitz was in
This is no more surprising than if the Pope ordained that all of his
worldwide flock top their head with Yarmulkes. (Interestingly
enough, notice that he wears one. Why? An anachronism of the old
days?) The restaurant, 801 Franklin - one of Huntsville’s finest -
was the site of this feast - provoked by the need for Raytheon to host
a group of Israeli service people for a program review. Rather than
limit the menu to an apple decorated by lemon slices - a simple
solution - the Raytheon folks served a bountiful Pareve meal centering
only Salmon and fancy sides.
There were challenges as Kosher-Keepers can well imagine. The Parev
nature of the meal offered some simplification, but challenges galore
remained. What to do abut pots and pans and dishes? The Salmon, of
course, couldn’t be baked nor broiled in an oven that was used last
Tuesday to cook a pig - an animal that chews not his cud or possesses
a split hoof. Nor could the observant Israeli guests use the dishes
and silverware normally used by the restaurant. And, of course, the
food, itself, had to be purchased from Kosher sources. Mainly, this
turned out to be several fat salmon from Publix and Sam’s. The Rabbi
koshered two of the kitchen’s burners, and pots were brought by the
rabbi for vegetables and side dishes. He also brought from home his
authentically Kosher convection oven. New, unadulterated. Plastic
eating utensils and plates were used. The meal was as Kosher as lunch
served in between sacrifices by the Levites of the first Temple.
To solve the many Kosher problems, 801 Franklin, represented by Jenny
Morvis, Special Events Coordinator, sought out who else, but our local
Chabad Rabbi, Laibel Berkowitz.
Consider also that this is a frequently occurring problem when
Christians and observant Jews sit down to eat together. Due to the
Kosher requirement, the Christian host does not slap down a filet
mignon with au jus gravy on the Jewish plate. He knows it violates
Judaic Kosher requirement. So often the Christians have a juicy chunk
of meat (followed by ice cream dessert - also prohibited) while his
Jewish guest eats something bland, but innocent, like a fruit plate on
a new plastic plate. (OK, in the eyes of our bible, so long as the
fruit and utensils didn’t mingle with Treyf (non Kosher) elements in
the kitchen - and a Chasid, like Laibel, could check other subtleties.
But clumsy; one meal is delicious and glamorous, the other bland and
dull - just a stomach filler - sort of humiliating to the Jewish guests.
Sounds simple. Feed five people a meal or two. It’s simple if they
are from Kansas. Not so simple if they are observant Jews from
Israel. Your hospitality is bounded by literally dozens of rules from
the five Biblical books (plus Talmudic interpretations) that govern
food preparation. Fortunately, Rabbi Laibel Berkowitz knew these
edicts like you know that knife, fork, and plate are required. So, he
presided over the meal preparation - even brought his own Kosher oven
from home and inspected every step of the cooking.
Interesting examples of Biblical governance of food preparation:
Leviticus 33:19 and Deuteronomy 14:24 state “Thou shall not boil a
lamb in his mother’s milk,” a common Canaanite delicacy. In the
rabbinical interpretation, this is extended to a separation of all
meat and milk. Skip the details. You don’t have ice cream for
dessert without violating the command of the G-d who made lambs and
But Raytheon went all out - with acceptable food sources, Kosher meat,
and even a Moshgiach (kitchen inspector), Rabbi Laibel Berkowitz to
assure the ritual cleanliness of the meal. A mitzvah - a step beyond,
as we say in Judaism. If nothing else, a generous gesture. And
certainly well-timed in the spirit of brotherhood - a few weeks before
* * * * *
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from the May 2011 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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