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Two Poems
By Harry Hamburger
I stand at the window
am listening for a sound
all I hear is groaning
from people on the ground
If they could feel beat
hear music in their heads
they would start to dance
wake up from the dead
Sing out with your voices
melody will set soul free
pull you from the darkness
only light will you see
* * * * *
Gave to Jacob land of Israel
and to Essau the mountain Seir
One strives to take from other
eyes are closed, does not hear
Gather you from the alien nations
and bring to the Holy Land
I shall sprinkle with pure water
smash your idols with My hand
With rope tie two sticks together
so that people are all one
and learn from all My lessons
have remorse for what was done
Will be given a new heart
and remove cold heart of stone
then with a heart of flesh
all your sins you will atone
The Author is a Jewish physician who writes Chassidic poetry. You can visit his new illustrated book at:
from the November 2011 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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