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Hanukah Poem
By Harry Hamburger
I am tired of hearing
about different points of view
argue about reform or orthodox
none of this is true
Some do little, others more
but must pray as one
not worship idols of self
or Jewish people are done
When try to be Greek
and act in foreign way
just like in Maccabee times
our own hearts we slay
The real miracle of Hanukah
is not about the fight
about single vial of oil
that re-kindles the menorah light
I will tell you all a little Hanukah story. The one vial of oil represents the Jewish people, who were almost spiritually empty due to assimilation. Then as now, when the vessel that holds even one drop of oil is re-sanctified, a miracle occurs, the oil increases, and keeps the light burning. The oil is FAITH!
I wish everyone a Happy Hanukah, and may we all work, learn, and pray together to become one people again soon. One vial, and one bright light to banish the darkness from our troubled world!
from the December 2011 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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