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Transmogrifying The World
By Sonia Nusenbaum
Energy comes from above
Receptor human beings aren't we all?
It looks to me we are being set up for a fall
As oppositional forces operating for purposes hard to tell yet why
We can draw some, not much from the human well
Or can we? Is there no harbor to where we can fly?
If all around us transmogrifies?
Are we obligated to know the difference and
for those who do - what, how can we tell ?
We are in a time of a transmogrification of the world
I ask - is their an equal/unequal energy
disturbing from below?
And if so, What are we to do?
Is it up to us?
Or have we already missed the bus!
It is written all is in the hands of God
With that belief we can be strong
But I ask is there not something wrong?
And if so - if not to man than to God this world belongs
What do I do when so - burst into song?
Or am i sarcastic and will earn only the wrath of God
If I polarize between myself and "them"!
For whom do energies exercise its directed messages
That some adhere to and others not
In the end of time as I believe it we now approach
Do I open up to trusting God and not make my
focus what I've got in fear of losing
Recalling my torah lessons that all
that makes our world is by our choosing!
Do I equivocate in my belief
When trust exchanges for disbelief
It is all about some ancient grief
I must release and again believe
That hope and trust can be retrieved
Its all as simple as where I focus
Press the anvil and reregister the locus
So I must to synagogue attend
Where all that is bad and all that is good
blend -
to under stand that in the final equation
all I see - and not see - is in God's hand.
But if that was my grandfather's words
when asked by those less wise what to do
as the nazi's, the germans, their dogs,
their collaborators mounted its war
against the Jews - and he and others
suffered so
Do I detach from what I heard they went through
Dear God, how can I trust and leave it once again
all up to you?
Oh yes I understand at least I think I do
It is my choice to believe and hope and trust
and to retrieve
From unanswerable questions my mind relieve
No answers
To make my life in the present work
And not research the paths where doubts lurk
And skew and stew become berserk
And instigate others' irk?
Yes my choice which path to take
And in my life and in others all the difference make!
Perhaps my job is to my soul mend
And with true belief and trust in tow
amend - if my beliefs are such as to
bring me astray
Then in hope when all is said and done
It is up to me - to choose which way
Let me know if this argument
Puts me inside or out the Jewish tent
between those firm in their belief
From those who seem to see another leaf
As unfold when spring time and summer
of our soul so want to hear
That through Godliness, and Godliness alone
With virtue, stressless life - so dear
To which I have the choice of drawing near.
from the December 2011 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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