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The Child Asks
By Sonia Nusenbaum Nov 15 11
how wide is the world she asks
and then she's told
As wide as your thoughts can hold
and until your old
What is that -
no need to know
Just do as your told
I wonder when I see a cloud
above me in the sky
And then also why
What is and what isn't so
Why some things are big
and others small?
In the spring flowers grow
and in the autumn leaves fall
And I love this color and you that
I'm so skinny and Roger's fat
And I'm so little
and your's so tall?
Why I am hot -
and why does soup get cold
Will all things I know always be that way
And tomorrow, tomorrow follow
As yesterday and yesterday
- spring, summer, and May?
Night to day and back again
What did you say?
Oh please and thank you
The teacher taught today
A puppy and a great big elephant
Who made them -grow?
The child asks so many questions
The grownup is hard pressed to respond
In ways to satisfy the child's mind
Oh she asks again, how do I find?
And so on and on the questions
What's a friend and what's a foe
Why are some things high
and others low?
Finally the adult replies
And not wanting to lie
When you learn to read
The letters come together
and lead
to words, then sentences and
all sorts of pages
Will tell you about what is now
and about past ages
And so as you grow
Through all your stages
You will know
You will know
Its God that made it so.
from the Febuary 2012 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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