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"S'iz Shver Tsu Zayn A Yid"!
By Walter D. Levy
shver tsu zayn a Yid!" my mother would say.As a
young man, I must admit I didn't pay much heed to mayn muter's
Yiddishe expressions. After all, I was spoiled. I had
grown up in a predominantly Jewish section of Boston. It was
the kind of place where incidents of bigotry, religious slurs and
anti-Semitism were rare. However, that would all change when I
moved away from my Dorchester-Mattapan neighborhood and embarked on
my teaching career. I would soon come to the realization that
subtly, and-sometimes not-so-subtly - it can be, as my mother would
often say: "...shver tsu zayn a Yid!" The
year was 1965. I had recently graduated from college with a
B.S. in Education. That summer, I would have my first
interview for a teaching position in an upscale public school system
north of Boston. Well, as I recall, the school system's
superintendent and I were discussing the typical teacher-type
questions when - like a bolt out of the blue - he asked, "Are
you planning on taking off the Jewish Holidays?" I
responded, "Yes." Oh, there were a few more
questions; however, that pretty much ended our interview. Well,
about a week or so later, I received a cordial letter from the
superintendent in which he said that he had enjoyed meeting me, but
that his school system was looking for a candidate with more
teaching experience (I had, to that point, only student-taught and
substituted), and also one with a stronger background in the field
of economics (I had only taken one economics course in college).
I tried not to read any more into the letter than its face value (I
felt the superintendent did raise valid issues). However, I
believed, most strongly, that it was totally inappropriate of the
superintendent to ask: "Are you planning on taking off the
Jewish Holidays?" Another incident would take place at a
school system where there were an ever-increasing number of Jewish
families The families were urging the town to have the public
schools close for the Jewish Holidays. At the time, I remember
one of my fellow teachers coming up to me and saying, "What do
you-people want?" "You-people," I
thought. However, at the time, I did not believe that this
person's remarks necessarily reflected the attitude of the majority
of the other teachers; yet, nonetheless, I found that
teacher's comments both hurtful and insensitive. Oh, as I
think back, I remember that once we did the have "The Holidays"
off, one of my colleagues came up to me just prior to Rosh
Hashonah. At first, I thought he was going to wish me: "A
Happy New Year." However, I recall that instead he
said, "... it's too bad you can't join the rest of the teachers
a week from Monday for golf." He then added, "We're
calling our golfing outing: 'The Yom Kippur Open'." Then,
there was the occasion at the start of the school year where I
attended an orientation meeting at my department head's home.
He said he wanted to play what he called an "ice-breaker"
activity. He called it: "What's Your Family Origin?"
I might mention that as soon as he mentioned the activity I began to
feel apprehensive. But, what am I going to do? I'm
literally "between a rock and a hard place." I'm
certainly not ashamed tell my colleagues about my family background;
it's just that I didn't think the activity was appropriate. In
addition, I was also acutely aware that I'm being placed in a
situation where if I don't go along I'll likely be labeled as
someone who "makes waves." So I participated.
As it turns out, most of my fellow-teachers had Polish, German,
Irish, Italian, English, or French backgrounds. I was the only
Jew (I'm sure they all knew that. In fact, I believe I was the
first Jew who was ever hired in that department.) When it was
my turn, I told my colleagues that my mother's family were
Lithuanian Jews from Vilna. I then said my father's family
were originally Russian Jews. As I think back, I recall
feeling very uncomfortable during this purported
"get-to-know-you-better" activity. In that same
school system, there was another incident that I found most
upsetting. On that occasion, our principal had scheduled an
after-school meeting in the auditorium to go over the final exam
schedule. As I was covering a near-to-the auditorium,
end-of-the-day study hall, I was, along with a handful of other
teachers, among the first to arrive for the meeting. When I
walked in, the principal was already standing up on the stage behind
a lectern. Just as I was beginning to sit down, I heard the
principal, a man of Catholic faith, say: ""The Lord be
with you." Several of the early-arriving teachers, also
Catholics, responded: "And also with you." I
couldn't believe it! The principal is using a Catholic Mass
Greeting in a public school! When I later happened to mention
it to one of my colleagues, he said, "The principal was
probably just kidding around; you're being too sensitive."
On another occasion, in another school system, there was, in
the teachers' cafeteria, what I would call an "elite table".
Every day, the same privileged people sat at this table.
Well, on one occasion, a teacher who ordinarily sat at that table
was absent. I decided to sit in his spot. I remember
that as soon as I sat down, one of the teachers who always sat at
this table stridently asked, "What are you doing here?"
In so many words, I believe the person was saying, "How dare
you sit here!" Outwardly, it had nothing to do with my
being Jewish; yet, that may have been a veiled factor. In my
memory, there wasn't one person who was Jewish who had ever sat at
that table.
Well, I'm retired now. I've been away
from the classroom for several years. Yet, I'll sometimes think back
to when I first got started as an educator. It's at those
times that I'll recall my mother's mame-loshin admonitions.
I know, in hindsight, that I should have paid closer attention to my
mother's wisdom. If I could speak to my mother now, I would
say, "Oiy, Mamenu mayn, you were so right: "S'iz
shver tsu zayn a Yid!'"
from the June 2012 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
