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Photo © Larry Chiger, May 2012
The Great "Aha Moment" in Israel
By © Larry Chiger, May 2012
years ago, shortly after my wife, Ivette, and I were married, we met a
young Israeli man who'd just come to the US. He was here for 6 months
to experience NYC, to perfect his English and to explore his chosen
field of creative drama. Having just moved in together, and with a
prized NYC apartment to sublet, we offered it to him. Within weeks our
relationship blossomed from being landlord/tenant to that of close
friends. Avishay quickly reached out to various Jewish organizations,
seeking grant money to teach
(of all things) puppetry to small children. While this seemed an
unlikely career path to us, he persevered and developed his own
opportunities. During his stay, which lengthened to a year, Avishay was
awarded numerous commissions. He traveled throughout the tri-state area
teaching children and building his skills as an educator, producer and
theatrical director. Too soon, he returned to Israel, to put into
practice what he had honed here in the states.
Last month, to celebrate our 30th
wedding anniversary, Ivette and I made good on a promise we'd made
years ago, we went to Israel for the first time. Immediately we were
swept up in the emotional immensity of this tiny country. Of course we
were captivated by the remnants of its many ancient histories. We were
moved to tears at Yad Vashem - especially as I realized that we were
there on the anniversary of my father's birth. The physical beauty of
the landscapes enthralled my eyes - from the arid vistas surrounding
Masada to the fecund springtime forests surrounding Galilee. And we
were fascinated by both the interplay and self-segregation of the
numerous religious groups and cultures, all confined to a small
geographic area.
Photo © Larry Chiger, May 2012
impressed me most, though, came from the human element. Specifically
it was the unmistakable optimism and joie de vie exuded by the many
young Israelis we met. About halfway through our trip I realized there
was a simple phrase that embodied their attitudes and mindset, "Why
not?" As I gave it more thought, I realized that those words epitomized
the zeitgeist of modern Israel. How else does one explain a population
of Holocaust survivors who, in three generations time, turns a small
patch of arid land into a lush food source for millions? How else does
one comprehend the audacity to surmount the last vestiges of Imperial
Britain and then turn back the combined armies of ones neighbors? How
else do we understand that a patchwork of ancient cities and disparate
tribal fiefdoms becomes congealed into one of the world's few true
democracies. And how is it that this tiny country ,challenged from all
sides, has become a major force for innovation in the high-tech,
medical, agribusiness, defense and pharmaceutical fields?
course, there are two other words that symbolize the mindset of perhaps
all Israeli Jews and their brethren around the world, "Never again!"
Amazingly, though, that bedrock concept and its connection to the
darkest and deadliest years in Jewish existence, is not what Israeli
life is all about. A thriving country cannot evolve simply on the basis
of existential defense. Indeed, one need only consider the numerous
"Arab Spring" uprisings to recognize that despotic governance, propped
up by corrupted military might and absent a moral core, eventually leads to catastrophic meltdown.
Surely the State of Israel
suffers from self-inflicted wounds. Jews are not exempt from the
peccadillos of failed character. Likewise, the Israeli political system
is not infrequently hobbled by its accommodation of the needs of a
disparate citizenry. Despite those very human shortcomings, it is a
country the size of New Jersey that perseveres, indeed thrives, amidst
continuing existential threat, the hatred of nearly all its neighbors,
and the on-going denunciations of many of the world's countries. Is that
not worth pondering? And are the answers we find not applicable to our
daily lives?
desires to create a better world (Tikun Olam) and to reach for lofty
personal goals are concomitant. No one should accept that he or she
cannot rise higher, or that the world cannot be healed, or that those
two should ever be mutually exclusive. It is that simple. Regardless
the individual challenges that we face, there is always a path to a
better way. We only find that path, though, if we believe in ourselves,
and in our abilities to serve our families, our communities and our
world. Continually seeking that path, believing in that path, is the
very essence of human progress, of fierce positivism.
much better a planet this might be if the nations of the world saw and
admired Israel as the positive example it is, rather than vilifying it
for its determination to survive and thrive as the only Jewish state.
What a loss for the Middle East that so many lives and so much national
treasure is squandered on hating the Jews and trying to destroy Israel.
One can only hope that with time the positivism of Israel will infect
its neighbors, that those envious of her will eventually see that her
democracy and culture and determination are gifts to be admired and
received. Regardless that much of the world remains unseeing, those
qualities and mindset came across to Ivette and me, over and again, as
we daily interacted with Israelis of all ages and walks of life.
Photo © Larry Chiger, May 2012
the end of our two weeks in Israel we visited with Avishay and his
family. His home is filled with children and music and art. Avishay
and his partner own a successful business headquartered in Tel Aviv.
They conceive of and produce high-end media programs that emotionally
connect with audiences in many languages. Their tools are a compelling
blend of imagery, sound and spectacle. In a very real sense, it is
puppetry and theatre raised to the highest digital levels. Their
business takes then all over the globe and their customers are major
international corporations. Avishay's story, just like that of modern
day Israel, has a foundation best described in two words: "Why Not?" I
returned to the States determined to incorporate that into my story as
from the June 2012 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
