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The "Crisis" of Jewry, Not Zionism
By Brandon Marlon
The recently highlighted "crisis of Zionism" is in fact a quandary
in Jewry, and no new phenomenon. Rather, it has two sources, each
centuries old.
One source is the exile and dispersion of a majority of Jewry from
its native Land of Israel by Emperor Hadrian in the year 135 C.E., and
its deep-seated and long-lasting consequences on the Jewish psyche over
the course of the ensuing 1,813 years; the other source is about 300
years old, a gradual religious erosion which begins with the radical
Reform movement in Germany, continues with Conservative and
Reconstructionist Judaism in America, and culminates in the mass Jewish
assimilation throughout the Western world in contemporary times.
Expelled and wandering over many centuries, the Jewish People
assumed new nationalities, adopted and formed new languages, and
evolved from an eastern, Oriental people embedded in its homeland to a
nomadic mass settling amid the western vistas of Europe, and ultimately
the Occident of the Americas. While ties to Israel were never severed,
collective recollection of the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt and subsequent
messianic pretenders caused many even among Jewry's leadership to
believe that the foretold ingathering of exiles required the coming of
the true Messiah and nothing less.
Despite the earliest political Zionism of far-sighted rabbis Yehudah
Alkalai, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, and Shmuel Mohilever, the great rabbi
Shimshon Rafael Hirsch and others eschewed political Zionism. This
myopia had negative repercussions for Jewry as a whole. Had more Jews
been influenced by their leaders to forsake Europe and Muslim lands for
what was then Ottoman Palestine, later losses in the Holocaust and in
Arab riots and pogroms might have been significantly lessened.
Still, an overemphasis has been placed upon political Zionism inside
and outside of Jewry: the pragmatic manifestation of Zionism - the
millennia-old spiritual, psychological, and emotional yearning of
Diaspora Jews to return to the Land of Israel - is less than 200 years
old. The original Zionism is itself only one aspect of Judaism; to
dwell on political Zionism, therefore, is to abstract an aspect of an
aspect of Judaism, as if it equates to Judaism as a whole.
When Jewish and Israeli leaders speak of why the Jewish People
belong in Israel, they err when they refer to and rely upon political
Zionism or the Holocaust, rather than their religious, historical, and
civilizational identity. Whether or not a Herzl or a Hitler had ever
lived, the people and land of Israel would still have belonged to one
another. They form two halves of a binary 4,000 years old and
Notably, the two sources of the Judaic crisis - exile, and
secularization of religion - exist in parallel to the dual heritage of
Jewry: both the Land of Israel and the Torah form the Hebraic
inheritance. One cannot be, and was not meant to be, fulfilled without
the other.
This leads us to the second source of our crisis, the attenuation of
religious observance. Factually speaking, modern Jewry, especially
North American Jewry, has a predilection for dispensing with religious
components of ideas they find otherwise useful. Most notably, the
concept of "tikkun olam" has been co-opted ad infinitum by liberal,
non-Orthodox Jews for purposes of social justice and reform, yet the
notion and the very wording itself derives from the uniquely religious
phrase "L'takken olam bimalchut Sh-ddai" ('to emend the world
under the sovereignty of G-d'), the latter part of which is expediently
ignored. Similarly, some nominally sentimental, unobservant Jews
nonetheless pride themselves on maintaining that they eat
"kosher-style" if not actually keeping kosher (akin to being
"pregnant-style" rather than pregnant), and some Jews who do not adhere
to the accepted standards of Orthodoxy nevertheless claim with
satisfaction to be "Modern Orthodox".
Likewise, when discussing the State of Israel and its founding
declaration of independence, liberal North American Jews underscore the
"democratic" element while downplaying the "Jewish" element mentioned
therein. For them, the state is Jewish by virtue of its Jewish
inhabitants; the state is Jewish the same way they are, automatically.
Whether the state's collective character, morals, ethics, values, and
principles are traditionally Jewish is of little interest to them,
because it is of little interest to them as individuals who are either
irreligious or part of the diluted modern-era movements for which the
essential laws of Kashrut and Shabbat are not binding, the scripture is
creatively reinterpreted in light of secular humanism, the distinctive
roles of men and women are overturned, and faith in the divine is
obsolete. Such Jews prefer their Judaism, and State of Israel, at a
tolerable minimum.
It is thus nonsensical to think that most modern North American Jews
- numbering around 7 million - would hold any attachment to the State
of Israel if as assimilated persons they never held any special
attachment to the Land of Israel. It is fatuous to imagine they would
care one iota about dividing Jerusalem when they have not daily longed
and prayed for the Holy City as did their predecessors. It is
far-fetched to believe they would think twice about ceding Schechem,
Samaria, Shiloh, Beit El, Jericho, Hebron, and Bethlehem without
knowing how much these seminal sites meant to their ancestors, and
without being able to readily locate these sites on a map. No one
mourns what was never valued or appreciated in the first place. But
pressure North American Jewry to relinquish New York, Los Angeles,
Washington, Chicago, Miami, Toronto, and Montreal to the indigenous
peoples of the Americas and its resistance is certain to be enormous,
ironically, despite the fact that those areas never belonged to their
own forebears, as is the case in Israel.
And so this newly-discovered crisis, the long-standing devolution of
historical identity and disintegration of religious integrity among
Jewry, creeps forward with the march of time. The solution to the
crisis lies in the hands of Judaism's most knowledgeable teachers, the
sages and scholars steeped in their beliefs and traditions, who alone
can shepherd the wayward flock back to its natural roots and faithful
from the August 2012 Edition of the
Jewish Magazine
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