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What Hatred Of Jews Is Really All About: The
Proven Cause
By Roger Bensman
We frequently hear of outbreaks of anti-Jewish episodes, attacks,
propaganda in the media, the schools, the workplaces, in government, in
business, non-governmental organizations, just about everywhere on this
tired old planet. Since time immemorial, it seems, people have been
presenting the grotesque canards, outright lies, written statements of
easily disproven propaganda, falsifications of deeds attributed to the
Jewish People and, by extension, the Nation of the Jewish People,
Israel. All is JewHatred. A seemingly more civilized term is frequently
employed: anti-semitism. That term, when traced historically, is a
gross pejorative.
So, in this article, we will use JewHate. JewHate and IsraelHate are
not two separate distinct phenomena; they are all encompassing under
just the one word: JewHate. We have read many plaintive articles,
mainly by Jewish writers, asking why are the Jews so hated and so
universally and for so many centuries? All have some kind of opinion on
that, especially the Haters. They have all the answers to that. Jewish
scholars, on the other hand, have pointed to this or that activity or
presence on the part of some Jewish community and say perhaps that is
what is causing all of this. Somehow, we're bringing this on ourselves.
Or, that they just don't know. JewHate has even been the subject of
vast amounts of literature in the form of books, sermons, papers,
speeches, media, recordings, so much as to fill the greatest libraries
of the world. Lots of reasons and logical causes are presented. All in
vain. So what is it, really, about the Jews that makes this People, of
rather insignificant numbers on the world stage, the subject of such a
vast, implacable, unending, and worldwide hatred?
The logical progression of all of this hatred over such lenthy
periods, affecting billions of gentiles across the nations and across
the millenia, has been savage unfounded discrimination,
delegitimization, demonization, physical attacks, culminating in the
the Shoah (Holocaust of the 1930s-1940s, the murder of 6 million Jews
by Europeans). And it has only continued and virulently intensified to
and far beyond any rational explanation most writers can conceive.
The magnitude of the phenomenon has baffled historians, scientists,
serious researchers, journalists, theologians, psychiatrists,
psychologists, hosts of others, including just ordinary Jews, for more
than 2,000 years. Hatred of Jews is so widespread that it even exists
in areas where are no Jews, such as the Ross Ice Shelf, Moslem and
Christian countries where Jews have been banned for centuries. There
are organizations, states, individuals who actually make a business out
of spreading this hatred. There are plenty of those who actually spend
precious funds to produce and disseminate this hatred. Quite simply
stated, what we are dealing with here is a severe widespread obsession,
at once on the individual and the group level as well. Nothing less. In
as much as all of this voluminous hatred is directed solely against a
single people and no other; against their small independent state;
against their beliefs, institutions, religion, everything Jewish, and
no other, one must again ask: WHY?
It turns out that there is a rigorous scientific basis for this
irrational obsessional hatred and it was developed over a long period
of time, culminating concretely and inarguably during the 20th Century,
with major breakthroughs occurring during the 1970s and 1980s. The
answers have been discovered and are quite incontrovertable. There have
been many contributors working in very respected scientific,
psychiatric, scholarly, and psychologic teams, particularly in America,
composed of Christian as well as Jewish researchers.
The general conclusion is that JewHate is a contageous behavioral
disturbance of the non-Jew(it includes, of course, certain Jews as
well), but a sickness nonetheless. It is lethal, dangerous, irrational,
and utterly without any foundation whatsoever. These findings, which
will be amplified and commented upon in this article, some of the most
significant of which, came to light during the past century. The
findings and conclusions are all quite similar. The great conclusive
breakthroughs were arrived at by many individuals and groups and can
easily be found in libraries, university medical center archives, the
Internet, associations, and related sources, papers, scholarly
treatices, and documents therein presented. Key words on the Internet
might be prejudice, antisemitism, irrational hatred, aberation,
behavioral disturbance. A good place to start would be Wikipedia.
The verdict is in: JewHate is an affliction, a psycho pathological
condition, a condition, not of the Jews but of the gentiles. Sickness
drives all the lies, canards, fabrications, the endless unfounded
accusations, the outrageous hate-filled vitriol, the fully unfounded
statements of hatred so readily disproven which make no sense
whatsoever, the faking of news accounts and photos of the present time
against Jews and by extension the State of the Jews, Israel, the
reinvention of history itself.
Criticism of individual Jews, Jewish communal organizations, Israel,
can legitimately be made, of course. What takes constructive criticism
to the level of over-the-top vitriolic behavioral disturbance is the
making of Jews(wherever they live) into the sole objects of criticism,
to the level of psycho-pathological obsession, to the exclusion of all
others. Knowing this puts Jews in the position of dealing not with
rational, logical, reasonable, thoughtful individuals, groups,
governments, states, all of which have somehow arrived at truthful and
substantiated conclusions, but rather in dealing with people who are,
in fact, sick. Jews are dealing with mental patients.
JewHate has nothing whatever to do with what Jews say or don't say,
do or don't do, whether in Israel or countries outside of Israel. It
has solely to do with the driven perceptions of those afflicted with
The Jew as an image. If there were no Jews in the world, there would
still be JewHate. Why it is deemed contagious is that, since its
origins in the first century of the Common Era to the present day, it
has spread from person to person to groups across the centuries. It
continues to the near total exclusion of really nasty OTHERS who are
given passes by media, which has been proven by Bernard Goldberg in
three best selling books, as having prevalent built-in far left wing
bias and arrogance about it. It focuses just about solely on The Jew.
That is what makes it a mental illness, whether of the individual or
group. The hard right JewHaters are no different and no better. All
have the sickness.
It has wreaked utter havoc upon not only live Jews but upon those
who are afflicted: anyone who hates so intensely that it drives that
person's life will suffer illness not only mental but physical. Add to
that all the death and suffering on the part of gentiles warring
against other gentiles while attacking The Jew: damage done over the
millenia. And there is no cure for this. For Jews, the issue is to
protect and defend against the disease in whatever ways there are that
are effective and legal. And these measures are already in place and
becoming much more proactive worldwide.
Jews are targets; however, they are becoming ever harder targets;
and let it not be forgotten that within the past 60 years or so, the
Jews residing within the State of Israel have developed the most
powerful military force since Joshua and from scratch. It includes THE
BOMB. Living Jews are no longer easy pickings for the JewHaters of this
world. And that drives the afflicted ones into frenzies and paroxisms
of hatred. Must be really hard for them to bear; one could almost feel
sorry for the Haters.
Interesting sidebar: Russia with its bloody history of internal and
external oppression, Turkey with its Ottoman Empire, Ruanda, Sierra
Leon, Zimbabwe, Spain, the Catholic Church over the centuries, Germany,
Japan, China with its Tienanman Square, the Arabs countries with their
honor killings, treatment of women as less than human, beheadings,
suicide bombers, funders of terrorism, proxies Hamas and Hezballah,
just to name a few, with their gross histories of aggression, blood,
guts, human rights suppression, and worse; to all these and still
others, the Haters are silent. They have nothing to say. All of their
aberational disturbance is directed solely at The Jew.
What follows are just some of the unfounded canards that can be
found nearly anywhere and that date back 2000 years. 1. The early
Christians who came to that religion from paganism put forth the rank
lie that the Jews killed God/Christ. That one, repeated endlessly,
stuck, and certainly is present to this day. This is amazing in the
face of Holy Scriptures in the Christian Gospels wherein anyone can
read that the death of Jesus was, according the those Scriptures,
engineered by Jesus Himself with the Jewish self-government at the
time, the Sanhedrin, pawns, along with the Romans. This was, in His
words, the Way back to the Father, now that His work was done. He chose
the Roman Crucifixion as His way to save and redeem.
We Jews are struck by this simple fact to the extent that we
question the very basic knowledge of believing Christians and their
familiarity with their own Bible. To be sure, there are lots of
Christians who know better and there are many who understand that the
notion that somehow the entire Jewish People killed their Savior
doesn't square with Scriptural accounts as codified. It is what led
directly to mass killings of Jews during the Crusades, the Inquisition,
the Expulsions(Spain, for example), and the Shoah----the Holocaust.
This aberation is so pervasive that the afflicted British and German
nations, locked in life and death struggle with each other during WWII,
chose still to cooperate in destroying Jews to the extent that while
the Germans fed Jews into the Ovens of Hate, the British sealed off the
Mandate for the Jewish National Home with their infamous White Paper of
1939, locking into the Continent all but a pitiful few Jews who managed
to get past the British naval blockade. Both nations stuck to the
containment and slaughter to the bitter end in 1945. Just how sick is
that? The Brits clung to their sick and pernicious policy until the
Jews kicked them out of the Mandate and declared their own independent
state. Naturally, the afflicted Arabs started the 1948 war against the
Jews when they brought that state into existance
Nazi Germany wasted willingly their precious treasure of manpower,
money, energy, rolling railroad car stock, moving Jews into the Death
Camps even knowing that the Soviet Russians were right at the Oder
River, invading the Fatherland! How sick is that? The killings,
rapings, burnings, destruction of everything German that followed their
defeat at the hands of the Russians is legendary. In their crazed
minds, they figured it was more important to kill The Jew than to
attempt to save their own people and nation from the Barbarians from
the East! What collective perversions!
2. The Jews poisoned the wells during the period of the Bubonic
Plague. Proven untrue but the illiterate mobs, inflamed by their
clergy, fell upon the defenseless Jews, and killed, raped, burned,
destroyed, and very nearly wiped out the last vestages of innocent ones
in Europe. 3. For millenia, from the Doctors of the Church on through
clerics over centuries, railings and rantings against The Jew became
endemic to entire populations. Humiliation, injury, forced conversions,
death came to the Jews by sick infuriated mobs over and over again: The
Jews should all be enslaved; better they should be slaves of slaves!
They kill Christian children, take their blood for Passover rituals!
They hate God, are hated by God, are the sole enemy of Mankind, their
god is money, and so on and so on. All proven false, but the lies go on
and on.
4. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This account, a best
seller still, especially in European and Moslem countries, was produced
by the Russian Secret Police in the early 20th Century and has been
proven a forgery by many reputable scholars, both Christian and Jewish.
It makes the most preposterous claims of a secret Jewish cabal which
has planned since the beginning of time, to take over and subjugate the
entire world. It is used as major propaganda by the afflicted ones over
and over and over again. In more modern times, we have the demonizing
of the Jewish Lobby, the Israel Lobby, the assertion that Jews control
the American Government and its foreign policy. All easily proven to be
canards. Further, even the Holocaust and the 9/11 tragedy are blamed on
The Jew. Why not? The more extreme the false accusation, the better the
Haters love it. Pat Buchanon once said that the U.S. Congress is
Israeli Occupied Territory! What kind of perverted mind comes up with
things like this? Abu Abbas holds a master's degree in Holocause
Denial. Imagine that.
None can be proved; all can be disproven. The media loves it; the
really dangerous enemies of the Jews, no matter how enormously vile
their deeds and words, all get a pass----Haters giving Haters a pass,
time and time again. The driving force of the Haters, their aiders,
abettors and cheering sections: mental illness.
5. In more modern times, Jews of Israel are constantly attacked by
persons, groups, governments, armies, militias, NGOs, in word and in
deed. That nearly every wild accusation made by academics, college
students, elected and appointed leaders, and self-loathing Jews, while
defeated with facts, truths, evidentiary documentation, archival
record, nonetheless, gets perpetuated through the world as if it were
There was, for example, no genicide at Jennin. There have been no
war crimes committed by members of the IDF or the Israel government. Al
Dura comes to mind. A fake photo and fake documentary. All the
bloodthirsty killing of Jews by Arabs over, say, the past 60 years
warrants no media coverage and is in fact defended when pressed as the
actions, not of killers of unarmed men, women, and children, but of
legitimate resistance and the fight for some kind of freedom, a freedom
which no Arabs have in the Middle East, except as citizens of the
Jewish State, Israel. How ironic; how aberant is that?
Let's take just a moment to examine examine what large numbers of
those afflicted with JewHate call THE PALESTINIANS, who are by their
own statements, simply Arabs. This particular grouping of Arabs,
indistinguishable from the broader Arab world, number some 4.5 million
and are generally concentrated in three provences of ancient Israel:
Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and Israel, with some in the eastern portion of
Jerusalem, the great bulk of whom were trucked in by the British to
build infrastructure in Egypt, the Mandate, and other nearby areas
against the Germans during WWII.
As Joan Peters points out in her book,"Since Time Immemorial," it is
the Jews, not the Arabs who have been in the Land since time
immemorial, proven beyond any question or doubt. These Arabs are part
of some 350 million Arabs in this world, representing, therefore,
approximately 1.3% of all Arabs. The amount of attention, funding,
protesting, media focus, U.N. resolutions, and world leadership support
on behalf of this tiny number of Arabs is, again, way over the top and
never addresses serious, really huge problems in the world. Billions of
dollars are given to just these few people every year and they use the
money to make war against The Jew, not just in Israel, but wherever The
Jew can be found in this tired globe of ours.
These particular Arabs are the latest media darlings who can do no
wrong. And just why is this? Quite simple, really. It is an established
principle throughout history, that in order to satisfy irrational
hatred toward The Jew, affected people pretend great concern toward the
enemies of The Jew. Thus, we have the eternal 1.3% Arab refugee
problem; the oppression, occupation, brutalization, suppression of THE
PALESTINIANS. Everything they do against THE JEW is dismissed as
resistance, claims of injustice, fighting for their freedom. That is
why, worldwide, there is the pretense of great sympathy for THE
PALESTINIAN and none for the innocents of Israel, bombarded by some
9,000 rockets, bombs, mortors, missiles over the past 9 years. This
otherwise preposterous situation becomes clear in the light of the
understanding that the attackers of The Jew are in fact sufferers of a
serious contageous mental behavioral disturbance. It really explains
We hear lots about ENDING THE OCCUPATION which will bring about
peace and two states, Arab and Jew, living side by side in peace. This
can now be seen as just another canard attack by those afflicted with
JewHate. A quick check into the history of the occupation shows that
from 1948 to 1967, the Arabs did, in fact, occupy the lands of Judea,
Samaria, Gaza, and a portion of eastern Jerusalem(one can include
Golan). The Arab governments of Egypt and TransJordan(now Jordan) saw
fit to NOT establish a state for the stateless Arabs. Not only that,
but they formed a group in 1964 called the Palestine Liberation
Organization to be their surrogate to fight the Jews, no grassroots
group, that. To add insult to injury to themselves, they launched an
unprovoked war of aggression in 1967 from these very same land areas.
History shows they lost and lost big, the lands of Gaza, Samaria,
Judea, Golan, and a portion of eastern Jerusalem falling into hands of
the Jews who counterattacked in self-defence and won and won big.
The lands now belong to the Jews of Israel, are not and never were
Palestinian lands upon which these Arabs state, with straight faces,
that they want to get these lands back so they can build a
state(read---terrorist base). So this is simply one more ploy, a piece
of propaganda, a not-so-subtle attack upon the Jews of Israel. These
Arabs acknowledge this. That is why the Gazan, Judean, and Samarian
lands are autonomous not sovereign to the Arabs. This autonomy was
granted by the Jews of Israel who have every right to do that or to not
do it. When an attacked people happen to counterattack and win, the
land belongs to them to do with as they see fit.
This drives the afflicted of this world crazy and one can see why,
in light of the fact that all this is driven by disease, not some odd
cause of justice from the point of view of the afflicted. But the lies,
fabrications, propaganda, fake protests, teary sympathies, distortions
of provable fact, suppression of truth, convening of emergency NGO and
international court sessions about the accusations of crimes of
humanity the Jews committed all go on against The Jew. All those
suffering from disturbance, from the media, academia, governments,
NGOs, and just about everyone, go berserk when the Jews anywhere in the
world, including Israel, successfully defend themselves. One sees and
hears it on a daily basis how they just hate it when The Jew survives,
prospers, stands up and wins.
To conclude this section, note that since 1929(as good a starting
point as any) with an Arab massacre of the Jews in pre-Israel, through
1936(the Arab revolt with its resultant killing of Jews----again), on
to 1948, this time with six Arab armies launching and losing that war
against the Jews, the Sinai Campaign of '56 to stop Arabs coming across
the new Israel border and killing Jews, the War of Attrition of
'69,'70, the Six-Day War of June, 1967, the October Yom Kippur War of
1973(surprise!), the first and second Lebanon wars of '82 and 2006(to
stop crossborder raids by Arabs), the Hamas/Gaza war of 2008(to attempt
to stop incessant rocket attacks from Gaza), not to mention the two
intafadas along the way(this in the face of peace offerings by
All of this has been cheered on by the cheerleaders of the gentile
and Jewish Left, the Arabs, the Christians, the Moslems, just about
everybody worldwide, a steady drumbeat of verbal and visual hatred,
punctuated by wars against this small state of Jews, about the size of
the state of New Jersey. Over the top doesn't describe it by half. Only
the fact that all this manifest hatred is driven by contageous mental
behavioral disturbance does. And it really explains it all. All the
rest of the oppressed, poor, dispossessed, driven from their lands,
starving, suppressed of the world with real life and death issues, go
largely ignored. All largesse is centered on the enemy of The Jew. It
is really all very sad; sad, indeed.
The scientific research discovery that JewHate is a unique
contageous behavioral disturbance of the many also clarifies why no
success has been achieved through Church condemnations of JewHate
following WWII (Vatican I, II), interfaith education, and even various
governmental statutes outlawing the phenomenon. The Haters really
cannot help themselves. Such psychopathology is essentially unstoppable
even though utterly without any evidentiary foundation whatsoever. It
is rampant everywhere, especially in U.S. academia where the indulgence
is defended on false and abused grounds of academic freedom,
suppressing all differing points of view. This, in colleges and
universities where freedom of ideas, speech, and expression are(or used
to be) the highest goals of the higher educational system. No more.
Now we see Anti-Israel Hate Weeks during which lies, deceits,
fabrications, distortions reign supreme, and intimidations of Jewish
students, faculty, and/or anyone of any faith holding pro-Jewish
positions are verbally and physically attacked by students and
professors. The disease is out of control; and make no mistake, this is
a disease. There is no legitimate Arab cause----only JewHatred.
Finally, there is no difference between JewHate of The Jew and the
State of The Jew, Israel; all one and the same.
So, the disease has no cure, and Jews, individually and
collectively(including Israel) have very little or nothing at all to do
with it, aside from presenting visible targets to the deranged. While
there have been many explanations, theories, ideas regarding the causes
of JewHate, none thus far presented suffice. It is only in the light of
personal and collective mental behavioral disturbance that this
phenomenon becomes clear. People hold prejudices, unfounded hatreds,
psychologically distorted thought processes, and delusional visions,
aberations, and prejudices which they acquire, in the case of JewHate,
from one to another, from group to group, learning processes in
lectures, sermons, teachings, preachings, books, media, word of mouth;
this over centuries and across the globe. And that is the true cause of
Conclusions. The Jews of America began the march to equality over
100 years ago, mainly through the court system, to attain their rights,
constitutional, educational, political, employment, housing, social. We
have fought, won, and continue to stand our ground against the
obstacles set up by the irrational haters. JewHate in America has been
consistantly measured as between 10%-20% of the population.
As previously stated, the battle now goes to the colleges and
universities; and that is already a work in progress. These
institutions, the professors, instructors, administrators, will shortly
be finding themselves embroiled in an increasing number of endless
lawsuits, other legal actions, investigations, and political
skirmishes, as data gathered is transformed nationally, college by
college, university by university, into the courtrooms of America and
the political system. Not only are higher education jobs at stake; so
is federal and state funding. So it is really up to the institutions to
either continue along the paths of intimidation of opposing free speech
and actual academic freedom or fix it.
The adult Jewish community stands with our students and their
faculty. It is all up to the institutions and the people abusing them.
That die has already been cast. As for the Jews living in the Jewish
State of Israel, it is known or certainly should be known by now, that
this particular grouping of Jews possess the 4th or 5th most powerful
military in the world. That said, let it be further noted that, much as
successive governments there have stated that their country would not
be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, it has
been widely reported(Jane's, for example) that Israel has accomplished
a smaller version of the American strategy of 1st and 2nd Strike
Capability. The world leaders should think hard on this: Iran, to the
delight of the world's afflicted cheerleaders, succeeds in putting
together some kind of nuclear weapon. That country's leaders have
repeated relentlessly that they intend to use that weapon to wipe
Israel off the face of the Earth. We Jews learned from history, the
Nazis, the Inquisition revilers, the Crusaders, the Doctors of the
Church, and countless others over time, to heed the declarations of the
Attacked first, Israel attacks back; a nuclear exchange. It may be
that neither country will survive, in as much as Israel, with nothing
further to lose, will most certainly unleash ALL of its nuclear arsenal
on Iran; other countries may be on the hit list as well. No matter. As
any respected Meterologist will explain, the wind currents of the globe
will spread the resultant deadly radioactivity across the world or at
least a very large part of it. It goes without saying that millions or
even billions will die and very unpleasantly. While it was only a
movie, "On The Beach," featured just such a nuclear exchange. It
occurred in the Northern Hemisphere between the U.S. and the Soviet
Union, was limited, but, in the end, the lights went out all over the
world and so did Humankind. If this sounds unrealistic, it would be
best for all to reconsider. Or, the IDF and IAF pre-emptively launches
a series of attacks against Iran with conventional weaponry, setting
that country's nuclear aspirations back into the Stone Age. The Jews of
Israel will simply not allow a 2nd Holocaust, of that, all can be well
In the light of the foregoing, since the price is high and going
ever higher, why not simply ignore the Jews, let them live their lives
like most of the rest of the world's people? It would really be so much
better for everyone, especially the sufferers of the Contageous Mental
Behavioral Disturbance of JewHate?
from the August/September 2012
Edition of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish
Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish
Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
