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A Jew in Syria
By Mervyn Mingail
cover was of blue satin, with embroidered gold letters in Hebrew.
Shalome remembered back to ten years ago, when he had only just
received it from Palestine and was looking forward to using it at
the next High holiday, Rosh Hoshanna, at his synagogue. It was a
brand new treasure, and inside was a most beautiful, silk talith,
with highly styled weave from a loom that was just invented by a
man named Jacquard, with a contrasting pattern of floral design. He
held it close to his side. So much had happened since then.
muttered."Halab." Shalome repeated the old name of
Aleppo to himself as he gazed upward at the 13th. Century Citadel
perched majestically on top of the cliff of this city, and
overlooking the great expanse of blue ocean beyond. Some of his
Aramean friends had told him that this city, Aleppo, which used to
be his city, was the oldest continually inhabited city in the world,
dating back over 5000 years."And they should know, "he
thought," as their Aramean forebears were the first settlers
in this land, and had come from Canaan, bringing the Hebrew alphabet
with them. "Beautiful, wonderful Halab. Beautiful, wonderful
Aleppo," he thought. "And I had to leave it for ever
because of one man, the Governor of Syria."
looked back to his childhood in his father, Aharon`s house, not far
from the Gate of Antioch. He remembered playing in the garden with
his brother, Abraham, and his cousins, in the early mornings and
late evenings while the loud wails of the horns of prayer announced
by the muezzins atop the minarettes of the surrounding mosques
called the faithful to prayer. The calls to prayer from the Jami
Zakariyeh Grand Mosque, built in the 12th.
Century, was always the loudest, and the children would sing out
loud, trying to imitate the calls.
those days Jews were respected. There were five thousand of us
living in the city out of a total population of twenty three
thousand five hundred." he mused.
were looked up to by the Muslim dwellers for our wisdom and our
wealth. Not now, though"
mused about the well- known fact that Abraham, the founder of the
Jewish faith, lived here, and possibly milked his cows close by.
to the state used to be the surest avenue to economic
self-betterment. By maintaining senior positions in the customs, the
mint and in tax farms Jews maintained a foothold in economic trade.
The Farhi family, for years, were the financial advisers to the
pashas or governors of Syria. Lately, though, this Jewish family had
lost their influence, to be replaced by Syrian Catholics, who looked
down on the Jews. This situation was exacerbated when the new pasha,
governor and wali
of Baghdad took over. Now Jews were persecuted, hounded by this man
and his henchmen. Not always overtly, but slyly, covertly; fining
them heavily for "non-payment of taxes". Imprisoning
them for "breach of laws", for defiling sacred Moslem
customs. All trumped up charges!
had then thought of leaving the city, and, indeed, Syria. Though
many Jews were still willing to stay. "This troubling time
won't last," they said. They refused to accept reality. "It
will pass," they said. "The governor will change his
policy, will relent of his treatment of us. Or, another friendlier
government will take over. We will outlast him. Things will revert
to normal." Hiding their heads in the sand!
had done well in Aleppo in those years. A jeweller by profession, he
had taken advantage of the fact that Aleppo was a stopping off point
for caravans and travellers, a trading centre, a stop on the famous
Silk Road, and the second largest city in Syria. He was clever
enough to understand the value of the large port, connecting the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the Mediterranean sea and he bought
and sold gold, diamonds, mirrors, copper, silk, cotton,spices and
coffee to ports in Africa, Egypt, Russia, Turkey--and now India. He
travelled often to the capitol city, Damascus, which was only one
hundred and ninety five miles south. He had amassed a fortune and
respect for him had grown.
his early twenties he realized how lonely he was. He felt the need
for a wife. Now, the centre of his social life was his synagogue,
the Al-Bandara Central synagogue, rebuilt in the 15th
century from the ruins of an earlier temple. Aleppo was the centre
of Torah learning, and Shalome had tried to spend some of his time
in the crypt of the synagogue, studying the Aleppo Codex, which was
considered to be the template of the Torah, and perusing the
synagogue records the history of his Jewish people that had been
recorded by rabbis over several centuries.
knew the Duek Cohen family, who were members of his synagogue. On
leaving the synagogue after the Rosh Hoshanna service he had
noticed that old Duek Cohen had joined two women who had just
down from the upstairs gallery. Men and women could not pray
together, so while the men prayed in the main sanctuary, the women
had to sit in the gallery above them. Shalome`s heart skipped a beat
as he looked at the younger of the two women.
had long, black hair, which she tossed from side to side as she
talked, and her deep blue eyes peered inquisitively out of a
mischievous though innocent face. The movement of her lithe little
body was spellbinding to the young man. As he looked at her she
turned and their eyes met. She gave him a little, coquettish smile,
then turned away and continued her conversation. He decided that
he must meet this girl.
On the
second day of Rosh Hoshanna, just before the end of the service, he
looked at his brand new, silk talith,
gathered the four ritually knotted and wound strings of the tzitzit
in his hand, kissed them, folded the shawl, carefully placed it in
its blue satin cover, put it under his arm and left the synagogue.
He waited outside for Duek Cohen,and when the old man left the
doorway Shalome approached him, hand outstretched in greeting, and
wished him in Hebrew,"Leshana
tova teecotave -
may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." Duek Cohen,
slightly surprised, smiled, accepted the outstretched hand, and
replied, "Gum
atah - the
same to you."
shook hands perfunctory, and then, one hand holding their talith
cases and the other hanging awkwardly by their sides the two men
looked at each other. What should they discuss? The train of people
streaming out of the synagogue in their colourful variety of festive
clothing ,the men in their long, coloured coats reaching to their
knees, with turbans or tall hats covering their heads, clashed with
the sombre back drop of the synagogue wall and the dark silhoette
of trees whispering in the late evening.
exchanged desultory conversation for a few minutes, until the two
women broke away from the throng and joined them. Duek Cohen said,
"Let me introduce you to my family. This is my wife, and this
is my thirteen year old daughter, Sathy."
young girl was dressed very much like her mother, in a long, flowing
skirt of intricate design, which hid her ankles. She wore a wide
belt, filigreed with golden flowers. Her white blouse was modestly
covered with a loose fitting blue coat that ended four inches above
her knees. Her raven-black hair was partially covered by a long,
lace head dress. She smiled at Shalome and then demurely lowered her
completed, Shalome walked ahead with the father, while the two women
followed behind. Shalome hemmed and hawed and then, in a low voice,
asked for permission to visit the family and talk with Sathy. This
permission was immediately granted, for it was well known that
Shalome was a well respected,wealthy bachelor, and a good match for
his daughter.
was important that a good match be found for Sathy. The Duek Cohens
were very important members of Jewish society in Aleppo.The family
had immigrated to Syria from Spain shortly after King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella began their reign and the subsequent persecution of
the Jews during the Spanish Inquisition. Their name was Duek because
they were nobles in pre-Inquisition Spain, and so had kept their
soon as Shalome had received the permission he sought, he shook
hands with the old man, bowed courteously to the two ladies, and
hurried home. He did not let the grass grow beneath his feet, but
briefly met the family outside the synagogue a week later, after the
evening of Erev Yom Kipur, the Day of Atonement, and was invited by
the mother to break the fast with the family at their home the next
large group of people were at the dinner, which was held in the
magnificent dining room, dominated by an ornate table, dazzlingly
covered with shiny, silver cutlery and crystal dinnerware. Above
the centre of the table hung a chandelier, blazing with candle
power. Duek Cohen smilingly directed the guests to the places he had
arranged for them, and then took his place at the head of the table,
while his wife sat at the other end. Shalome found himself seated
next to a portly gentleman with a great appetite and a booming
laugh. On his other side sat a wrinkled, old man in a white gown,
covered by his long, grey beard. He kept his eyes downcast and
busied himself with eating whatever was put before him. Shalome
looked around for Sathy and saw her seated four or five people away
from him, and he could only get in an occasional glance at her.
fast was broken initially with sweet cakes like babaar,
a date-filled patty, and sponge cake. Men servants came around and
poured the guests generous glasses of sweet wine, and conversation
was dominated by how well everyone had kept the fast. Shalome did
manage ,however, to talk to Sathy for a few minutes that evening and
he promised to see her again, and she smiled her encouragement.
courting process began the next week. Shalome asked Duek Cohen for
Sathy`s hand in marriage and permission was given. A month later the
engagement was announced and the Henna
party was made. This is a ritual whereby the bond between the man
and the woman is sealed forever by the symbolic joining of hands
pasted with henna, a dye made of Egyptian privet leaves.
months later a large wedding party was held, befitting the
importance of the two families. A beautifully decorated Kituba,
made of the best parchment and written by one of the foremost
scribes in Syria, was signed in the synagogue. The bride and groom
stood together under the Chuppa, wrapped in Shalome`s new talith.
Since ‘tal’
means tent and ‘ith’
means little, the two were, in effect, under two tents, the talith
being their own private tent or sanctuary, where they met with G-d
and intoned the vows of marriage, and under which the glass was
by Shalome pressing down on it with his foot.
reception was magnificent. The honeymoon was short and sweet and
then Sathy moved in to Shalome`s large home. She was a shy girl and
at thirteen, found that controlling the large retinue of servants
was difficult for her. But she tried. Then, "Mother, I`m in a
panic. The house is in a shambles. The servants laugh when I tell
them what to do. And Shalome now goes around the house with a frown
on his face, though he is too sweet a man to tell me what a messy
wife I am. What shall I do?"
mother was secretly pleased that her daughter still needed her. She
moved into the house, and got everything under control. Sathy took a
back seat, more than willing to give over control of the household
to her mother. She again became the dutiful daughter, and Shalome`s
frown disappeared.
year later, in 1786, when Sathy was fourteen and her husband,
Shalome, was twenty four, a new Governor of Syria was installed and
the troubles for the Jews began. The governor had never liked the
Jews, thinking that their wisdom, wealth and power far surpassed
their minority status. He thought that they were a danger to Syria.
After all, they were ‘dhimmi’,
of lower and humbler status than the Muslims, according to
religious law. What was more important to him was that he felt they
endangered his hold on power. He was determined to remove this
menace, and he began by enforcing ‘Jizya’,
tribute money that had to be paid by ‘non believers’,
a debilitating tax on their goods, property and business. Jews were
imprisoned until this tax was fully paid.
Jews tried to reason with him , but he sneeringly ignored their
requests, and he sent soldiers to demand immediate payment, or they
were dragged off to prison until the money was produced. Those that
could afford to, paid. But the wealthier businessmen met secretly
and decided to form a group to fight these taxes. Shalome was one of
the leaders. At the meeting he said,
the governor controls the army and the police, so he can do as he
likes. However, The ‘Quadi`,
Chief judge, controls the religious law of the land. Therefore, let
us take our plea to the courts for judgement and redemption."
governor heard of this secret meeting, and who the spokesman was.
Shortly after, a gang of ruffians broke into one of Shalome`s
business buildings, destroyed everything on the property and burned
the edifice to the ground. Shalome knew who was responsible, and was
hot-headily going to reciprocate, but was held back by his Jewish
can do nothing about this, Shalome. Under the rules of ‘dhima’,
the restrictions imposed on tolerated non-Muslims, we are considered
unclean, and our property can be destroyed with impunity." As
a marginal group in Syrian society, the Jews had no power base and
no hope of independent political action as an unpopular religious
minority they could count on no sympathy or support from the general
were placed in Jewish quarters, called ‘mellahs’,
which, according to the governor, was not as punishment or
humiliation, but for their own protection against the hostile
year later, in 1787,a great plague broke out in the Jewish quarter.
It lasted four months, and the streets were congested with the
bodies of the dead and dying. The stench of death was everywhere.
When it eventually petered out in July many of Shalome`s friends and
relatives had died, including his mother and father.
became increasingly morose. He felt that he was now alone in the
world. His continuous tries to halt the governor's evil actions kept
failing. Jews scarcely ever dared to utter a word of abuse when
reviled or beaten unjustly. The Muslim attitude to non-Muslims was
not of hate, fear or envy but of contempt. Many Jews were put to
death upon a false and malicious accusation of uttering
disrespectful words against the Koran or the prophet.
apt for this time was the anti-Jewish poem of Abu Ishaq, written in
Granada, Spain in 1066:
not consider it a breach of faith to kill them
breach of faith would be to let them carry on.
have violated our covenant with them
so how
can you be held guilty against the violators?
How can
they have any pact
we are obscure and they are prominent?
Now we
are the humble, beside them,
as if
we were wrong, and they were right!
Do not
tolerate their misdeeds against us
for you
are surety for what they do
watches His own people
and the
people of God will prevail."
Jews were beginning to accept their fate. Shalome decided to travel
to Basra, to visit his married sister, Rachel. At the back of his
mind was the thought that he would move to this city to escape the
perfidy that was beginning to escalate in Syria. While in Basra he
heard that a few Syrian Jews had emigrated to India, and were very
happy there.
thought at that time, "Maybe India is the place for me."
He did not give this idea a great deal of thought at the time. After
a stay of about seven months in Basra, Shalome decided to return
home to Aleppo." Let me give it one more try," he
his return to the city of his birth he saw that conditions had now
become even worse. He wrote some letters to the Governor, and in the
name of the small Jewish community, complained of the worsening
situation. He did not receive a reply.
few days later, however, while wandering through the large bazaar,
seven kilometres of sprawling souks,
covered shops which sold everything from apricots to silks, incense
and perfumes, three thugs jumped out of a darkened doorway and
attacked him. Shalome was a powerful young man and his anger
increased his strength. He fought off three hooligans. Two of them
skulked away when they discovered that they were no match for him,
but he held on to the third, and while his powerful hands were
around the man's neck, throttling the breath out of him Shalome,
gritting his teeth, hissed, "I will kill you with these hands
unless you tell me who sent you." The man gasped and squirmed
and tried to get away but to no avail. Shalome only tightened his
grip around the man's throat.
he whispered, "The, the Governor sent us. Now let me go."
released his hold and the ruffian skittered away like a drowning
rat. Some of Shalome`s Aramean acquaintances, who had witnessed the
attack, but had been too frightened to intervene, now surrounded him
and helped him home. One of them commented, "You realize,
Shalome, that the authorities will not listen to your complaints.
You are a dhimmi
after all, and they will send out more men, and they will get you
the door to his house Shalome thanked them all for their help,and
then asked one of them, the one he trusted most, to stay behind
after the others had left.
you do me a big favour, my friend, "he said,
you contact some of my friends and tell them what happened?"
the Aramean nodded his acquiescence, Shalome asked him into his
house, wrote down the names of some of the most influential Jews in
the city and handed the note to him.
them to meet me at the Baron hotel tomorrow at six in the evening,
so we can decide what we can do to protect ourselves."
went to the hotel at the appointed hour and sat in the lobby. He
waited there for over an hour, but not one of the Jews appeared. He
returned home in a very dejected state. Sathy tried to comfort him,
but he just kissed her and told her to go to bed. He, however, sat
up all night, thinking things through. By the time the sun began to
raise its weary head above the horizon to start another day,
Shalome had come to a fateful decision.
order for anyone to live happily in this world," he thought,
"he must have freedom. Freedom to go where he wants. Freedom
to live in any area he chooses for himself. Freedom to speak his
mind. Freedom to choose who governs him.Freedom to achieve financial
stability. And, above all, freedom to practice his religion. Without
these freedoms man was impeded from living his life to the fullest
extent that G-d put him on earth for."
Syria today, these freedoms had disappeared for him, and, indeed,
for all Jews. He must find a place where he and his family could
regain these liberties.
breakfast that morning he told Sathy and her mother what he had
decided to do.
you will have to pack most of your clothes and say good bye to your
friends and family. We are going to leave Syria for a while. Maybe
for a long while."
mother was shocked. Shalome was going to take her daughter away from
her! She did not say anything to Shalome, but sent someone to fetch
her husband immediately. When he heard what Shalome wanted to do,
he, too, was aghast.
cannot allow you to take our only daughter away from us. I forbid
her to go!" Shalome tried to explain why he had come to this
fateful decision, but his father-in-law would not listen.
at seventeen, was still very much under the influence of her
parents. Besides, she did not want to leave the comfort of her home
for a strange land, even for a short time. Duek Cohen was still
powerful in Aleppo and felt that he and his family were safe.
Shalome felt that there was a possibility of danger for her, too, in
any new, untried country. and since he loved his wife and wanted her
protected, he bowed to his father-in-law`s wishes, and said that he
would come back for her later, when he was settled in his new land.
had heard a great deal about India, and some of his Aramean friends
and business acquaintances had raved about the opportunities for
trade in that country. He asked them what the Indians were like, and
was told that they accepted foreigners with open arms, especially
traders and merchants.
have allowed Europeans to freely enter their country, and The
British East India company now has control of most of the trade."
fact," another acquaintance added," The British have
taken control over most areas, and they are a freedom loving people,
as long as their tails are not pulled! Many Arameans live in Surat,
now, and are doing well." Shalome wanted freedom, and so
decided to move to India.
since he was a trader, when he approached the port and made
arrangements for a sailing ship to take him and his belongings out
of the country, no suspicion was aroused. By 1789 he was ready.
had booked his passage on a sailing ship a few days before and on
the morning of his departure he rode through the port gates in a
horse drawn carriage, together with his shohet,
Jacob Sittone. Behind the carriage were five horse drawn carts with
his personal belongings and large cases for trading. He was stopped
at the gate by a Muslim inspector, but this was normal practice, as
they knew he made several trips to foreign ports on business.
Shalome exchanged a few jokes, threw him a purse with money in it,
and then had his belongings and cases safely stowed on board the
ship. The dock was bursting with activity. Men were hauling sail
ropes, hand wrenching nets of cargo on and off other ships,
shouting, jostling ,and seemingly getting in each others`way.But
the work was done, and soon the ropes were removed from around the
bollards on the dock,the first mate gave the order to raise the
anchor and the ship gently eased away from shore. Shalome heaved a
sigh of relief.
is my first step away from the land of oppression"
from the October/November 2012 Edition of the
Jewish Magazine
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