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Our Spiritual Place
By Michael Druck
We had our own agenda
and they had theirs.
And G-d has His reasons.
He gave to us a heritage
that is there beyond the sea.
That is ever our resting place
for all eternity.
For He had His agenda;
and they had theirs.
And G-d has His reasons.
G-d made Pharaoh stubborn;
Pharaoh a stubborn man.
And the Jews were given Moses
to lead them out of Egypt�s land.
For there was an agenda;
and Pharaoh had his.
And G-d had other reasons.
Now Moses said to Pharaoh,
We gonna bring you bugs
to eat up your plants and trees.
We will warn you once, and only once;
and then we�ll hope you�ll see.
That we have G-d�s agenda,
and you have yours.
And G-d has good reason.
Then Moses said to Pharaoh,
G-d�s taking the first born,
and the first little babies in the land.
And if you don�t behave,
G-d will take you to your grave.
So you better do what you can.
For G-d has an agenda,
and you have yours.
And G-d has better reasons.
Well eventually Pharaoh had enough
of Moses and his stuff.
And he let the Jewish people go.
They left their houses and went out alone
to where G-d told them to go.
Civilizations had their agendas,
but we have hours.
And G-d forever has reasons.
from the April Passover 2005 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
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