UK Teachers Union Against Israel


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The Academic Ku-Klux-Klan

By Judah Tzoref

Echoes of the internal debate among AUT (Association of University Teachers in UK) and Natfhe members are diffusing out to the worldwide public. Natfhe - The University & College Lecturers' Union in UK, whose council voted (about a month ago) to boycott and blacklist Israeli universities and academics by a majority of 106 votes to 71.

The prime mover of this boycott campaign is Paul Mackney, general secretary of NATFHE, a far-Left radical. Also some "good Jews" have been noted as leading pushers of the boycott. Protesting members against the proposed anti-Israeli boycott contend that a Far-Left extremist group has taken over the lead and gained full control over Natfhe's agenda, in the same coup d'etat tactic unsuccessfully implemented in AUT.

Whether Far-Left conspiracy or otherwise, both AUT and Natfhe are aiming at an easy target. Israel is still strong enough to defend herself, yet in the diplomatic battlefield of the international arena Israel is undoubtedly the weakest country in the world. More than fifty years after her establishment, the very existence of the Jewish state arouses widespread antagonism throughout the Moslem world and across a considerable part of the worldwide Christian communities.

Habitually victimized, censured and vilified by the insatiable hounds of the world Inquisition, Israel struggles for survival, lonely and defenseless fending off one pogrom just to face another. From one international pogrom to another, bleeding Israel evokes the savage instincts of the hounds frenzied by the scent of her dripping blood.

Terrorizing the defenseless was the name of the Ku-Klux-Klan game. Neither the Federal Government nor the local state authorities appeared determined enough to ensure the basic civil rights of the southern blacks and protect them against the Ku-Klux-Klan terror. It took the combined action of the armed Deacons for Defense and the nonviolent campaign of civil right activists to put an end to terrorization of blacks in the South and safeguarding their civil rights.

Against the rising menace of the AUT and Natfhe Ku-Klux-Klan enthusiasts, the same combined anti-terror strategy is to be implemented. A nonviolent public campaign should be reinforced by a non-murderous militant activity to blacklist and ostracize every individual member of the Ku-Klux-Klan gang. Nipping it in the bud is the answer for terrorizing-the-defenseless game of the academic KKK pogromists.


from the July 2006 Edition of the Jewish Magazine




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