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Music of the Jews
By Jonathan L. Friedmann
The Book of
Genesis identifies a man named Jubal as “the ancestor of all who play the lyre
and the pipe” (Gen. 4:21). This reference is traditionally understood to mean
that Jubal was the inventor of music. In this same passage, we read that Jubal’s
brother, Jabal, was the first to raise cattle, and that his sister, Zillah “bore
Tubal-cain, who forged all implements of copper and iron.” The mention of
music’s invention alongside the origins of cattle-raising and tool production
suggests that music played an essential role in ancient pre-Israelite society.
The Jewish Bible is, in fact, filled with descriptions of music’s use in all
aspects of life, from ritual and prophecy to war and celebration.
In the days of
the Jerusalem Temple, sacrificial worship was aided by elaborate musical
accompaniment. In this relatively stable environment, the Levitical choirs and
Temple orchestra established a uniquely Hebraic musical mainstream—what one
might call the “Temple Sound.” This unity of music and prayer is presented most
strikingly in Psalm 150: “Praise God in His sanctuary . . . Praise Him with
blasts of the horn; praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and
dance; praise Him with lute and pipe . . .”
Following the
destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Jews were dispersed throughout the
world. As a result, all aspects of Jewish culture—including music—took on
diverse and variegated forms. “After the dispersion,” wrote composer Herbert
Fromm, “[Jewish] sacred music was exposed to the ever changing influence of
other nations.” Consciously or unconsciously, Jews heard certain music in the
various countries in which they lived, and absorbed it into whatever musical
tradition they had. For this reason, musicologists have been unable to isolate a
common melody—sacred or secular—shared by all of the world’s Jewish communities.
This great
diversity has led many to ask, “What is Jewish in Jewish music?” The truth is
that there really is no definitive answer to this question. In fact, the most
widely accepted description of Jewish music is functional rather than
definitional: “Jewish music is that music which is made by Jews, for Jews, as
Jews” (Curt Sachs). In other words, rather than trying to determine what styles
of music are fundamentally Jewish, it is better to look for that music which
functions Jewishly: music for the synagogue, Jewish weddings, Jewish
theater, etc. In this connection, musicologist Marsha Bryan Edelman observed
that, while it may be impossible to define Jewish music, there is certainly
“music of the Jews.”
* * * * *
Author Bio: Jonathan L. Friedmann is Cantor of
Bet Knesset Bamidbar in Las Vegas, Nevada, and editor of two books, Jewish
Sacred Music and Jewish Identity (Paragon House, 2008) and The Value of
Sacred Music (McFarland, 2009).
from the Februrary 2009 Edition of the Jewish Magazine
