The Jewish Magazine is a free monthly review of all things Jewish. This month we present a large assortment of varied articles, both new and also from our archives many dealing with different aspects of the Passover holiday.
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Regular (Non-Passover) Features:
The Journey Home from the Holocaust
By Michael Ruskin
The Holocaust in Lithuania
Living Past the Holocaust: a Survivor's Story
By Harvey Gotliffe
More Than Surviving, Thriving In Australia
A Zionist debt fulfilled
By Jerry Klinger
Rev. William Hechler, the Christian who backed Theodor Herzl
Humor, Jokes and Assorted Chuckles
Jokes sent in by our Readers
OK, so I should be cleaning for Passover, but I need a break...
Jewish Stamps Commissioned for England
By Alan W Benjamin
A Smiler Stamp For The Queen
Kabbalah for Atheists
By Ray Harris
What can Judaism give us about Enlightenment and the Spiritual future of Mankind?
Learning Kabbalah Through Humor
By Sam Krause
The Purpose of Life According to Kabbalah
Nostra Aetate: The Popes' Proclamation that the Jews are Not Responsible for Killing Jesus
By Judith Rice
Jules Isaac & Pope Benedict XVI
Like in Ramallah
By Elaine Rosenberg Miller
A Poem to Remember the Fogel Family from Itamar that was Murdered by Arab Terrorists
The Great Pool Hall Caper
By Walter D. Levy
A Jewish Story
Relevance of the Torah and Sacrifices to a Secular Jew
By Abraham Glazer
Are Animal Sacrifices Relevant for Today's Life?
Passover Poems, Songs, Stories and Humor:
Passover - As Reported in the Impartial Israeli Press
Bitter Herb
How NOT to clean for Passover Humor
Passover Stringency Humor
The Festive Meal A Story About divorce, food, family, death, time, Judaism
The Seder According to Shakespeare
Gabriel, Age Two, Opens the Door for Elijah A Passover Poem
Adir Hu: Its Meaning and Melody and Download a free MP3
The night of Pesach - a Passover Poem
Red a Sign - A Poem For Passover
Passover Recipies:
Guide to Make a Very Easy Passover Meal
By Aviva Goldstein
Food Plan for an Easy Passover Seder
Matza Ball Recipe
Another Matza Ball Recipe
Passover Horseradish Recipe
Passover Matzah Ball Recipes
Matzo Brie: Theory and Recipe with a bit of Humor
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