Browse our Site:
Chanukah 2000
Chanukah - Then & Now,
The Silver Chanukah Menorah,
A Neo Nazi Encounter in Germany,
The Story of Hanukah,
the Pseudo Chanukah Fairy,
Lighting Up the Channukah Menorah Right,
Chanuka Potato Pancake (Latkes) Recipe,
Hanukah Every Day,
Tel Afek - Archaelolgy,
I Am Joseph,
the Chanukah Driedel, and
Humor |
November 2000
Middle East Conflict,
Rabbi Meir & his Mischievous Neighbors,
Food for the Soul,
Thanksgiving in Sinai,
Jewish Vilna,
Jewish Memories,
the Lighter Side of the Intifada(?),
Holocaust Memories
, and
Humor (of course)
High Holidays 2000 Edition
The Sabbatical Year,
Rosh Hashannah - Creation & Re-Creation ,
Yom Kippur & the Rewards of Modesty,
Don't Go Slowly on Yom Kippur,
Jewish I.Q.,
Chanah & Climbing the Ladder of Prayer,
the Kotel Tunnels & Temple Mount,
the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany,
Judaism in the 5th Billenium,
Arabs & Palestine,
Great Moments Unaware, and
Humor |
August-September 2000
The 9th of Av & Messiah's Birthday,
the Transcendency of G-d,
the Jews of Kovno,
Angel Food in Concentration Camp - Recipe,
Shabbat of Comfort,
Ode to Yiddish,
Beit Guvrin Archeology,
G-d's Partner,
Finger Nails & Jewish Weddings,
Kosher Everywhere, and
Humor |
July 2000 Edition
Holocaust Exhibition,
Jews of Riga,
Understanding the Creation,
the Banyas,
Traveling through Jordan,
Is There a Blessng for an Uzi Machine Gun?,
the Book of Health,
Bar Mitzvah and
Humor |
2000 Edition
Shavout -The Holiday of the Torah,
Yom HaShoah - Jerusalem Day,
Mt. Sinai in Archaeology,
Jewish Hope & the Messiah,
Climbing up Mount Sinai,
Wise Men of Chelm,
Meeting Jews,
Reliving the Moment that the Kotel Came Back, and
2000 Edition
Two Souls & Chassidut,
Examining the Holocaust,
The Horse that Prayed,
Club Med,
the Counting of the Omer,
the Ancient city of Zippori,
Making Amends,
Growing Up Jewish,
Poems and
Humor |
April 2000 Passover Edition
A Passover Miracle from the Holocaust,
Making the Seder the Easy Way,
the Time of Passover,
Vision of the Divine,
Counting the Omer & Elevating the Soul,
the Cup of Elijah the Prophet,
Jericho, and
Humor |
2000 Purim Edition
The Purim Guide,
Personal Recollection of the Old Generation,
the Megilat Esther,
Gamla Revisited,
Mystical Understanding of Tzitzit,
Jews in Christian Colleges,
the Sacred Letters of Hebrew, and
Humor |
February 2000 Edition
Mysticism and Psychology,
Tower of David,
New Moon,
"Chai There" - Recognizing Jews,
Jewish Education,
Helping a Jew,
I Will Praise the L-ord,
Stereotypes, and
Humor |
2000 Edition
What is Prophecy,
Avishai Raviv & the Yitzhak Rabin Conspiracy,
Customs of Circumcision,
A Miraculous Recovery,
Why the Soul?, the
Free Download Blues,
a Humorous view of Jewish History,
Jewish Immigrant Family and
Humor |
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
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