Browse our Site:
Chanukah 2001
Chanukah & Christmas,
Hanukkah's Spiritual Lights,
the Story of the Wandering Jew,
Chanukah Miracle,
Intellectualism versus Righteousness,
Letter from the IDF,
Chanuka and Rebuilding the Modern Jewish State,
the Mother who Fought the IDF & Won!,
Dealing with Militant Islam,
Inter-Jewish Strife, and
November 2001
Golda Meir,
the Roots of Chassidism,
Dybbuks Love Lemon Pie,
the Shema Israel,
Jewish Genealogy,
Anne Frank,
Ovda - the Israeli Experience,
What are Friends For?,
Free Will,
Nazi's in France and
October Succot 2001
Traditions of Sukkot,
the Greatness of the Second Temple,
Abraham's Legacy,
Master of the Field,
Structure of Faith,
Herod's Palace in Jerusalem,
Sukkah - the Season of Our Joy,
Terrorism - is There a Limit to Unthinkability?,
David & Golith,
Is Australia the New Haven for Nazism? and
More Humor.
September Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 2001
Elul - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur,
Growing Up in Palestine during the British Mandate,
Traditions of Yom Kippur,
Death Denial,
Oslo Revisited,
The Temple & the Festivals,
Honey Cake - the Rosh Hashana Experience,
the Collapse of Israeliness,
Arabs on Cream,
A Matter of Life and Death,
Tombs in Jerusalem's Valleys, and
Humor |
Joshua and the Prostitute,
Voyage of the St. Louis,
the S/S Patria (Moledet),
Middle East Peace - American Style,
Alice - Growing Up Jewish,
Stressed Out in the Middle-East,
New Mode of Connecting to God at the Kotel,
Dr Joseph Goldberger & His Gift,
Asking the Right Questions about Middle-East Peace, and more
July 2001
Have God at Your Table,
The Messiah,
Becoming Pregnant,
Add Years to Your Life - from the Talmud,
Early Jewish Basketball,
Sarah Froner - Early Feminists,
Real Time,
Life in Efrat, and
June 2001
Chassidic Meditation,
Self Sex Attraction,
at the Wailing Wall,
Holocaust Effects,
Love Your Fellow Jew,
the Shtetl in the New World,
Talmudic Advice for a Long Life,
Ancient Synagogues Bar'am and Capernaum,
Once upon a time in Once and
Funny Humor.
May Shavuot 2001
Shavuot & the Torah
Cholent Recipe,
Cheesecake Recipe,
the Root of Arab Terrorism,
David Ben Gurrion,
Eliezer Ben Yehuda,
the Old City of Yaffa,
the Difference Between Yom Tov & Shabbat, and
April Passover 2001
Customs and Tradions of Passover,
Matzah Haggadah and the Ten Plagues,
Hamas Mixes Religion with Terrorism,
Archaeology & the Temple Mount,
On Chametz and Haggadahs,
Jewish Parenting,
Deborah the Prophetess,
Stay for the Seder,
My Cup has Overflowed,
Historical Quotations Relating to the Arab Israeli Conflict, and of course Ho-Ho
Purim 2001
Purim Fun,
Purim, Passover Miracles,
the Story of Esther,
Wyatt Earp & the Jews,
Mapping a Successful Marriage,
Israeli-Arab Facts,
Archaeology in Ashkelon,
Rediscovering Purim,
Selenuim Sam - a Mensch,
Jewish Jokes!! |
The Tabernacle and the Temple,
Tu B'shvat & Vegetarianism,
Israel & National Identity,
King David,
Jewish Collective Guilt,
Gamla in the Golan,
Zayde - Memoies of Williamsburg,
Kibbutz Experience,
Jerusalem Comes into the Modern Era, and
Ho Ho Humor!!
Report from Gilo, Jerusalem,
Dream in Jewish Thought,
What is Holiness?,
Three Doras,
New Banana Boat Song,
Chicken Soup w/Matza Balls Recipe,
Archaeology - Beit She'an,
One Person Makes the Difference,
Original Poems - Angels of Love, Hope & Life, and
Humor |
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
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