Browse our Site:
December 2007 Chanukah
Chanukah Guide,
Chanukah - When is it Neccessary to Fight?
She was a Jew in the Holocaust,
Kabbala Primer,
The Inner Secrets of Lighting the Chanukah Menorah,
A Brief History of Iran's Jews,
Seeing the Jewish Side of Buenos Aires,
Wheels of Love from Tiberia to Jerusalem,
How to make a Successful Aliyah to Israel,
Touring the Central Zionist Archives,
Erica - Holocaust Survivor's Tale,
Holocaust Memory in Post-Apartheid South Africa,
Remembering... If not for the Shabbos clock, they could have been mine,
Humor, Its Good to Smile....
Chanukah Poem,
A Hanukkah Prayer,
Creampuffs and Other Diet Foods,
Chanukah is Chinuch, ie Education,
Shakespeare and Anti-Semitism,
The Shemoneh Esreh Prayer, and
Pothiphar and Joseph
November 2007
A Mystical Approach to Belief,
Dealing with Islamics and Arab Dictators,
Sexual Harassment in the Religious Community,
Jewish Life in Iran Today,
I Don't Know, Therefore I Am,
Dodging Rocks in the Israeli Palestinian Conflict,
The Bronx Deli,
Life in Israel - Returning the Gas Masks,
The Oy's of Jewish Motherhood,
A Story of Birth and Circumcision,
Remembering Little Marvin and the Banana,
Alfie's Bark Mitzvah,
The Silence of Modern Hebrew Poet Avraham Ben Yitzhak,
Genesis in Humor Mode,
Richard Gottheil - the Reluctant American Zionism,
Leon Trotsky and the Jews,
Wiesel, Levinas and Chouchani,
Humor Page,
Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe,
Noah and Truly Righteous Tzadiks,
Saying Hallel,
The Locket,
My Jewish Florida,
The Jew and G-d,
The Bristol Bagel Ballad,
Hagar - The God Who Sees Me, and
His first born beloved son, hand in hand
September - October 2007 High Holiday Double Issue
G-d Did NOT Create the World on Rosh HaShannah,
Guide for the Jewish Month of Tishre 5768,
Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur, and Succot,
Rosh Hashannah - New Choices, New Hope,
T'shuva and the Baal Teshuva - are they related?,
Selichot, Preparing for the Holidays,
It's Not Enough to Say "I'm Sorry" - On Yom Kippur,
Horoscope for New Jewish Year 5768,
Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Prayer with MP3,
Tashlich in the River Dulce,
The Polymorphic Pluralistic Succah,
Maimonides, God and Creation,
Yiddish Theater, France and the Holocaust,
Dumbing Down Judaism,
Be Thankful for What You Have!
A Jewish Story - Kol Nidre Vows,
What is American Zionism?,
Why are Jews so Smart?,
A Garden in Yitzhar,
Holocaust Memories from Dachau, Auschwitz, Birkenau,
Back in a Time Machine - Would Israel Exist?
The Destruction of Libraries in History,
Jewish Story for Rosh HaShannah,
The Day I Learned About "Tzedaka",
The Twin Towers, a Memoir,
A Jewish Love Story,
Meeting the Rebbe - A Jewish Story,
The Land of Our Dreams,
Psalm 138,
Snapshots from France,
Adjusting to New Family Holiday Customs, and
Humor Page,
August 2007
Elul, Month of Opportunity,
Arguments and Peace - from the Talmud,
Yartziet Observances,
Chicken Fat - The Taste of Yesteryear,
The Blessing of the Jewish Priest,
The Nazi connection to Islamic Terrorism,
Nutshell History of Marranos of Portugal,
Gerard Frydman, his Life in the Yiddish Theater in Paris during the Holocaust,
Geneology: The Journey From Mogilev (Belarus), To U.S.,
Celebrating the Goodness of Giving,
Living in Spite of the Nazis,
Tel Aviv's First Walkman and the Lechi,
A Time to Say Goodbye,
Avraham, Abraham, and Me
Humor Page, It Only Hurts When I Laugh....,
A Jewish Story - Naples and the Holocaust,
Emily Wasserman - the Youngest Volunteer,
The Young Clowns Volunteer in Israeli Hospitals,
Dystonia and the Jewish Girl,
Celia's Journey Home,
O P E R A - A Powerful Jewish Poem,
Family at War and Gran, and
Two Poems,
July 2007
Nine Days and the Three Weeks,
Fast Days,
Hebron 1929: The Untold Story,
Foods for Fasts,
The Zaftig Diet,
Holocaust Deniers and their Motivation,
Israel Insecurity,
Why Does Israel Always Come Out as the Loser?,
Going Home - A Jewess From China ,
Annals of a Traveler: Herzl Museum,
Shakespearean Prayer,
An Approach to the Morning Prayers,
Why Are Jews So Smart?,
Searching for Stanley Stein - A Jew in the American Leper Colony,
How to Bring the Redemption,
Humor Page,
The Big Bang,
Sidney Selig - From Nazi Germany to Israel via America,
Hatred kills More People than Cancer,
Humor on the Parasha - Why Aaron didn't Die,
Psalm 124, and
Jewish Free Loan Society,
June 2007
Marriage and Pre-Nuptial Agreements,
The Golem - Fact or Fiction?,
A Mystical Primer The Light and the Vessels,
Something happened when I was in the Israeli army,
The Lewisburg Prison United Jewish Appeal,
Leprosy, the Jew and the World,
Moses and the Camel Squad,
Three Poems,
Psalm 146,
The Fox and the Walrus,
Oy Vey Jewish Cartoons,
Photos From the Holocaust on Internet Sales,
Does God Exist?,
Humor Page,
Plea to Restore Ancient Synagogue in Vidin, Bulgaria,
the Zohar on the Synagogue,
The Band that Changed Jewish Music,
'Do Not Forget the Lord Your God',
Preserving Memories of Mother,
Lighting Up A Nation, and
A Woman of Valor,
April/May 2007 Shavout
The Mystical Secrets of the Star of David,
Living Through the Holocaust The Heumann Struggle,
Shavuot - Going From the 7 Mitzvot of the Children of Noah to the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah,
Counting the Omer - A Mystical Tikun,
Living Waters - First Time in a Mikva,
Reflections and Recommendations on Mourning and Condolence,
Coping with Dementia,
A Muslim Speaks out on Islamic Terror Organizations,
Newark - This City is Just Memories,
Jewish Lineal History Time Line,
Scandal in UNRWA: the welfare state of "Palestine",
Lag B'Omer and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai ,
How the Portuguese Secret Jews (Marranos) Saved England,
Some Splendid and Eye Catching Jewish and Israeli Graphics,
Humor Page - Caution: Humor is Contagious,
Joy and Spirituality,
Relating - How to Get You Life into Perspective,
Escorting the Dead & Closing the Grave,
The Quiet Game - A Story out of the Holocaust,
Psalm 139,
Meat Meat - The Story of non Kosher Meat in America,
Continuing The Walk Through Generations, and
My People in the Chosen Promised Land,
March/April 2007 Passover
To Lean or Not to Lean at the Seder, that is the Question,
Jewish Meditation on Passover,
Dogs and Frogs for Passover,
Passover Horseradish Recipe,
Passover, Time for Escaping Personal Modern-Day Slavery,
Humorous Two-Minute Haggadah,
Passover: Freedom and Speech
Pesach = Peh (mouth) + Sach (speaks),
A Passover Thought alter history,
Passover Preparation,
The Shabbat Table,
Sammy's Problem A Story for Passover,
Jews in the Confederate Army,
Good Health: L'Chaim,
Humor Page Passover Ain't the Easiest, Need to Smile?,
Where Evil Lurks Eichmann & Hoess,
Joachim Gans, first Jew in America,
No Other God,
I Know I'm Jewish,
Don't Worry, Be Jewish,
Project of Hope,
Mr Goldstein was tired of being a Jew,
A Cheder Tale,
Which is Man, Which is Soul?, and
Question of the Month: Cremation
February 2007 Purim
The Month of Adar, Purim, Miracles, Happiness, and Passover,
Ahmadinejad's un-holy war
Ahmadinejad, the Trainer of Youthful Basij Martyrs Believes in Death,
Brief guide to the basics of Purim,
Hamatashen or Oznai Haman Recipe,
Wisdom from the Bat Cave - Be a Modern Day Hero: How to Triumph over Adversity,
Finding Faith and Trust in the Masks of Purim,
How The Four Mitzvot of Purim Emphasize Jewish Togetherness,
Rabbi Narrishkeit and the Trefah Kitty,
How to Determine if Your Favorite Charity is Milking You,
The Megillah is in itself a Celebration,
Pvt. Benjamin B. Levy, Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War,
Ezra's Temple, Herod's Temple and Ezekiel's vision of the Third Temple,
Humor Page,
A Brazilian Jewish Childhood,
Etiquette Guide for a Jewish Simcha,
The New Moon, Women, and the Golden Calf According to Mystical Thought,
Jewish Meditation - Spirituality, Kabala, Chassidut, and Mysticism,
Boca Tale,
Jewish History on Jamaica, and
Cartoon - Giving a Bit of Help, Arab Style,
January 2007
The Soul and Its Purpose in this World,
Jewish Astrological Horoscope Forecast for 2007 based on Kabbalah,
Kaballah and Chassidut and the Two kinds of Souls,
The Torah Cantilation and Downloadable Sound Files,
A Humorous Tale of the legendary Rabbi Narrishkeit,
Actuate Your Belief In God -a Parable,
As the Jew watches over the Shabbat so the Shabbat watches over the Jew,
A True Story about a Skullcap and Instructions How to Knit a Kippa,
Learning to Breathe Easier in a World of Young Children,
Psalm 46,
At the Close of a Day, Comes Shabbat,
Must One Pay to Pray?,
The Swiss Treaty and the Washington Hebrew Congregation,
Jews and anti-Semitism in the American Civil War,
Humor Page,
The Unknown Parts of the Hebrew University,
Iran's Holocaust Conference and Ahmadinejad,
Cartoon - Arab Terrorism Reaches New Depths,
A Story of Kabbala,
Yizhar Smilansky, a Tribute, and
Breaking Through to Rebelious Teenagers,
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
