Browse our Site:
December Chanukah 2002
Kosher Sex,
Could Santa Bring a Hanukka Present?
Chanukah, A Time of Inspiration,
Bubbie & Zadie Recall the Holocaust,
Chanukah Recipe,
Hanukkah's Spiritual Lights,
Red Cross Double Crosses Jews,
Menorah Shopping in Texas,
King Solomon's Prayer,
The J Letter,
November 2002
Put Arafat on Trial,
Bikur Cholem,
Bridging Troubled Water,
Putting out the Fire,
Forgive Our Trespasses,
Archaeology - Be'er Sheva,
Israel's Most Dangerous Enemies
Revealing Secrets of the Torah,
News Flashes,
Jewish Renaissance in Melitopol,
October 2002
Is Religion Ruining Judaism?,
Chaim Wiezmann
The Righteous Thief ,
Appeasement, Hitler, and Arafat,
Jewish Charity is Different,
Archaeology - The Ancient City of David in Jerusalem,
Israel, Democracy and Politics,
The Story of Abraham, our Patriarch,
Two Roads,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Cockroaches,
September 2002 High Holidays
About Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur,
AlbertEinstein, the Jew
The Temple and the Sanctuary,
Experiencing Succoth,
A Train in Poland,
Archaeology - Tel Dan,
A Mystical Succot Experience,
A Story for Rosh Hashannah,
Joshua - A Man of Faith,
the Myth of al-Aqsa,
Israel's Big Contest,
Day of Remembrance,
Israelis Behaving Like Nazis, and
August 2002
Slichot - Preparing for Rosh Hashanah,
I Believe Arafat
The Beauty of the Hebrew Language,
The New Neighbors,
The Super-Duper Supermarket,  
Archaeology in Hatzor,
Personal Improvement through Personal Accounting,
Return from Babylon,
Judaism Versus Islam,
On Being Jewish,
July 2002
Of Cockroaches and Kings,
Dhimmi - Jews and Christians Under Islam
Suddenly There Was War in Mandate Palestine,
Spiritual Exercises in Remembering Jerusalem,
The Function of the 3rd Temple,  
Archaeology in Tiberia,  
Anti-Semitism - It's All About Theft
David and Jonathan,
Experiencing Germany after the War,
Samuel, Saul and Prophecy,
Overcoming Frustrations,
June 2002
Torah and the Tzaddikim,  
The Dofus Case
Tel Lachish,
Massacre in Mandate Palestine,
Jail in Jewish Law,
Scary Memories,
Sarah, Mother of Nations,
Elevator Talk - Vos iz der tachlis?",
Yiddish Humor,
Faith versus Logic
May 2002
Hannah Senesh,
Kabalistic Reflection on Creation and the Creator
Life in Mandate Palestine
- Commencement,
Terror, Islam and its Inherent Danger,
Legends from the Talmud - Rava & ben Sheshek,
The Choice,
On Watch for Neo Nazis,
If A Jew Ran for President,
Orchids - As the Tanks Rolled into Nablus,
Moses, part 3
April 2002
Customs & Traditions of the Omer
Democracy & Zionism,
Omer Insigts,
Anti-Semitism & Self Delusion,
Hamas Humor,
Peace & War,
Prague Report,
Ein Gedi,
Victory in the Arab Conflict,
Discrediting Fear,
Oslo -a Religious Cult,
I.D.F. Officer Reports
Moses, part 2
March Passover 2002
Searching for Chometz
Passover, its Essence in its Name,
Bernard Lewis on Islam,
The True Face of Islam,
Moses - He Led Them Out,
Bread Mills in the Lower Galilee,
The Answer, My Friend,
Leaving Egypt - a First Hand Account,
Passover - As Reported in the Impartial Israeli Press,
Bitter Herb,
Passover, the Chicken and the Egg
Chad Gadya,
The One Miracle,
February Purim 2002
Purim, Adar & Happiness throughout the Year,
Purim, How to do it Up Right !,
War Ain't a Social Club,
The Teaching of a Debased Rabbi,
Customs and Traditions in Mourning,
Yizkor - the Prayer to Remember,
Tour Guiding in the West Bank,
When Chinese Worry Met Jewish Angst,
The Tenth Man,
January 2002
Redemption of the First Born Son
Tu B'Shvat,
Four Weeks out in Shechem,
Lillian Wald,
Jewish Realism & Free Choice,
Sherlock Holmes & Jewish Heritage,
Graveyard Hopping,
Sharon vrs Churchill,
Keeping Kosher,
Mom's Dating Rules,
Religion & Animal Activism,
from the Archives of the Jewish Magazine
Material and Opinions in all Jewish Magazine articles are the sole responsibility of the author; the Jewish Magazine accepts no liability for material used.
